Why not?
GF at least tries to promote positive change, propose new solutions, and share them for discussion. That’s literally the opposite of forum toxic.
worth more than 1/2 their dev team.
I have a slight dislike for people who have some ‘emoji signature’ in all their topic titles. I can think of another person who also used to do that.
This thread has been locked for emojiphobia.
He talks a lot but he doesn’t say much.
I know someone used put a emoji at the start of their threads so people would come and see why they’re “locked”
Truthfully grey Falcon has many ideas. not all of them are good but some of them are very good. credit to him for trying to improve the game. I would also remind people that many of these changes did in fact end up going into the game
Who suggested Bruiser tanks?
Who suggested priorityqueue?
Who suggested side by side open queue
that’s right, yours truly did
[] this thread is a mood
I used to like his threads but now it’s the same repetitive and purposefully imbalanced ideas over and over, spammed with emojis because he isn’t gonna get interest in his ideas based on the strength of them.
At least he is making constructive idea posts rather than just complaining about the game which seems to be 99% of what you find here so he has my full and complete respect. ask yourself: what have you contributed to the game? because if it is even one fifth of what Falcon has done then a congratulations is in order
Can you imagine if every single poster made constructive and well articulated posts like he does. imagine what that would mean for the game
I actually don’t think it’s constructive to purposefully try to lose players, as his suggestions are designed to do. And I don’t think quantity of balance suggestions replaces quality ones.
I think his tone is a far cry better than many other posters, but the actual content of his suggestions isn’t much different. It’s still just trying to get the game balance to revolve around what he personally likes and gut heroes and playstyles he don’t rather than caring about actual balance.
Balance literally does not matter in this game. the developers long ago realised that they would never achieve hero balance which is why they are just changing things up every so often. they have no intention of trying to balance the game so if they’ve already abandoned that philosophy then surely they should do whatever if they need to do to attract people to the other roles
Perfect balance isn’t achievable but that doesn’t mean you intentionally make playstyles and heroes unplayable. Devs have not, and should not be doing that. And I don’t find suggestions that try to do that to be constructive or different to the usual tone of suggestions here.
In some cases this is exactly what you need to do. Bastion is a good example. He should never be playable because it feels terrible to play against. DF is another example
And that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it. Since you have a similar mindset, I can see why you find his suggestions constructive.
I personally find it incredibly selfish mindset, and want every hero to be playable. I agree some heroes should never be meta, but making them purposefully unplayable and trash is not an attitude I can ever support. I don’t find matches won at hero select to be fun, engaging, or competitive.
It’s not so much that I have a similar mindset it’s more that I am trying to see things from his point of view and I can definitely understand this point of view on this matter. my mind set on this would be actually the exact opposite and I think that we should instead of having forcing 222 we should buff damage so that they are more viable to be played in large numbers like a 141 composition and we would not need rq
I don’t find this mindset to be selfish because it is about making the game fun for the most amount of people and doing whatever is necessary to achieve that end.
Don’t attack Grey in this way–
I going to sound like boomer here probably, but why would means its something official?
That’s just it. Suggesting 5000+ things and having a few resemble things that actually end up happening doesn’t mean you greatly influenced dev decisions. Correlation does not equal causation. Should we make a list of all the changes they’ve pitched that haven’t happened? Cause I can assure you, they far outweigh what has.
Then there’s the way they conduct themselves in their replies, there’s no such things as good feedback or insight, just lists of things they need to “defend” about their latest ideas.