[] you would think that removing the ability to just straight up put emoji’s in the title would’ve been a clear enough sign NOT to do it.
This is literally what they do and it’s embarrassing. I found that out when they made a post about giving all the tanks dark blue health. After A TON back of unnecessary back and fourth stemming from a reply on how that wouldn’t be visually consistent, they just straight up started talking about how good their “balance ideas” have been and how the devs have even “taken inspo” from them???
Like, they legitimately believe that some of the changes they’ve pitched have been responsible for some of the changes we’ve seen in game and they think that makes their opinions and insight better than the rest of the forums
I like that he uses it since it helps his posts(which are much better than 90% of the stuff on here) stand out.
[] While blizzard’s changes have been questionable, so has GFs. In fact, I feel like a lot of suggestions on here are questionable. Like “People don’t like Tanks. Reinhardt is the most liked tank. Clearly we should ruin Reinhardt’s shield to make him tank worse, that’ll make people like tanks!”
At least people recognize your posts.
If post number is all it takes to become verified, I’m about to start spamming.
I mean, you did suggest we heavily nerf all DPS in the game. As a serious non sarcastic proposal.
I’m just looking to do nerfs/role changes on 2 unpopular heroes, and a handful of other ability changes that aren’t even really relevant outside of Masters/GM.
Quality over quantity my friend
[ ] IDK man, its just sounds like appeasing the problem instead of solving it. As if they matter more than the mains of those heroes you want nerfed.
More like the “path of least resistance”, that would also offend the fewest amount of players.
Brain surgery with a scapel, not Brain surgery with a meat cleaver.
I’m not sure what the illness is in this analogy, because this doesnt cure any illness. I just want to know what you think the illness is. IMO its the obscene burst damage.

IMO its the obscene burst damage.
Which is mostly just Hanzo.
Ending the Hanzo Hypocrisy
Then what do anti dive healers have to do with that?

Then what do anti dive healers have to do with that?
Because nerfing Hanzo isn’t enough to bring in a Dive meta, but it helps.
Especially since a Hammond+AnchorTank based “Dive” isn’t quite the same as making Winston and D.va get used.
that doesnt answer the question. What illness does dive solve?

What illness does dive solve
Frees up the devs to do substantial buffs to AnchorTanks, without causing DoubleBarrier.
Granted, my preference is towards more Orisa and Sigma barriers, but they could go along with their BlizzCon changes instead.
Because if you had barrierHPs at 800 700 600 even at those lower stakes, it would still end up as a DoubleBarrier.
On the contrary, I think every thread title should have an emoji.
So you want dive to be good as a counter to double barrier, right? Then lets nerf Mcree flash, Ana sleep, reaper in general, hook… Why Bap and Brig who keep being nerfed already? Oh yeah, becasue nobody likes them

So you want dive to be good as a counter to double barrier, right? Then lets nerf Mcree flash, Ana sleep, reaper in general, hook… Why Bap and Brig who keep being nerfed already? Oh yeah, becasue nobody likes them
Thing is those can all be blocked by Defense Matrix.
Now if Brig and Bap could be blocked by Defense Matrix… well I have a post that’s exactly that…

If post number is all it takes to become verified, I’m about to start spamming.
Do it, your posts are more reasonable than most on here