[✅] Reflecting Orisa fixes 2x Barrier?

Was talking at to äxïs about his idea to make Sigma and Orisa do less damage to barriers.

Came up with a weird version of his idea.


Fusion Driver (Primary)

  • Reflects once off of walls
  • Reflects once off of barriers
  • If reflected off of a wall or barrier onto another barrier, it reflects one more time.


HyperSpheres (Primary)

  • Reflects off barriers
  • Does not deal an explosion if reflected off of a barrier for 0.1sec
  • If reflected off of a wall or barrier onto another barrier, it reflects one more time.


Orisa and Sigma contribute almost zero value in cracking the enemy team’s barrier.
Which leaves them free to fish for trickshots at the enemies behind the barriers.

What do you mean, like it bounces arround or something?

so like orisa vs orisa we start shooting at eachother and the bullets starts reflecting, and then both barriers die like immediatly and so do we after a rain of bullets hits us in the face?

or does it reflect and do absolutely no damage at all to the barrier? because that would be pretty stupid design in my opinion,

That. Same goes for Sigma.

Would make it so AnchorTanks contribute zero firepower to cracking enemy barriers.

But Orisa could shoot a wall or ceiling and bounce shots around a barrier.

Wouldnt that make the problem just…Worse?

people complain about double barrier because the fights take too long, with two less damage sources the barriers take way too long to be destroyed…

plus its just weird, it doesnt make sense at all.

i feel like a reflecting barrier could be intresting for a new tank, imagine a new main tank that inestead of having a traditional barrier it just has this, protective field that just reflects bullets all over the place

Would make it so a Rein/Zarya (or similar comp) could more easily approach into close range. Where DoubleBarrier would be at a disadvantage.

Cause right now, a SingleBarrier gets shredded by an the firepower.

Honestly Rein Zarya already runs over double barrier in almost every game except OWL…

i dont think it needs a buff

I dunno anything about them just not affecting barriers… But honestly a reflecting shot sounds super fun. Hrm. Ya did it.

Yeah, I was figuring that’s what it would be.

Like at first “That sucks”, but then “Ooh, but this part is really fun, now Orisa isn’t boring”.

You would still play double barrier but just use Rein/Sigma to do it. Making the barriers HARDER to destroy would not counter double barrier, it would simply make it even stronger.

I think, too much projectiles could make game crash and a lot of “hits” on players who even doesn’t know where they got shot. Like old Hanzo Scatter arrow. It’s fun if you think about, but not fun for the people who dies from them. 2 Orisa just ricocheting their attacks on walls and shields, also sigmas who actualy can do some sort of it. Could generate a “projectile zone” who could make stand by between those orisas really bad.

2 barriers are fine(maybe a little less regen - add 10% less regen or so - on that and a bit more cooldown - add 1 sec - on orisa barriers), we have a lot barrier breakers faster than the cooldown/regen of most of them. If you concentrate the fire on the right way. Even if not, you can use Reaper, junk, genji, tracer, sombra (the way they supposed to be). Also tanks like roadhog, wreckingball and winston to generate some disruption. Supports like zen, mercy and baptiste who can add more damage output to your team. Overwatch has a lot of characters and most of the time some player only pick like “10 of them”. The game have a lot good barrier breakers and a lot fun characters to play.

Overwatch without these aspects will turn in something very boring and very quickly. Barriers are good, but not that strong. Most of the time if you really just shot at it they will break very fast, but most of the time nobody does that. Or just one player does that. Zen concentrated fire, hanzo storm arrow, roadhog hits, symmetra beam, junk grenades, mccree flashbang, bastion, torb, zarya, pharah, echo all of them can deal just fine against barriers.

In this post I said like 15 of the heroes who can help or deal fine against barriers or even ignoring them. And most of the time barriers doesn’t even keep up too long, the only one who can keep a bit more it’s rein and he can’t do much stuff at long range. The others most of the time their barrier it’s up like 1-2 secs(at best), rein could be 1-4 secs, if they got good blows on their barrier. Like the time of the most of characters have until they die by most of the attacks. So if you have a barrier you have less damage troughput on your side at long range(sigma it’s a exception), and because of that you need stay close of your barrier tanks if you not, they will die and do nothing to the enemy team.