[✅] One way to fix DoubleBarrier

Oh yeah the ult is definetly a must, however i dont want to go for Easy changes

overwatch has enough of those “Easy” changes that always sidestep the character problems,

it needs to start thinking of some more complex mechanics, for both Fun, and Balance, see hammonds mobility, its very complex and very reliant on momentum, but its very fun because of that

like that +%BarrierDamage on barrier kill idea i said, that would certainly be a good pick against double barrier,

so we gotta start thinking long term, not for the short term,

Hitscans are also an example of this, they buffed Mccree/Ashe because they couldnt keep up with widow and broke them, then broke Soldier to keep up with them. And now we are at this problem.

But if they buffed Ashe with something like %AntiHeal on dynamite, Mccree with 250hp or maybe I-frames on roll, or some other special ability on F (like my old suggestion of "ammo switch) and soldier with like biotic field buffs, sprint reloading and maybe damage resistance, crouch damage reduction and spread

then you arent in this situation where you just have 5 characters competing for “who clicks heads better” (which widow will always win) but people pick them based on preference of situation / gameplay cycle

thats why i think pharah needs to be taken in another direction, no “easy” buffs,

If a Orisa barrier is the difference in a fight against a team who’s been EMP’d, you have bigger problems than Orisa’s barrier, I promise you.

The thing is I’m trying to come up with a solution that targets GM/Masters/Pro players, who can do that reliably.


It’s kind of like watching GM Sigma’s who always save Flux for Nanoblade, or Lucios who always save Beat for Flux, of Sombras who save EMP for Beat.

It’s just good play, which needs to be rewarded, not punished.

Because DoubleBarrier is boring.
It should have legit vulnerabilities that make it into a cheese comp, and not a meta comp.

And Rein/Zarya is boring for the other 90% of the playerbase, and they could use some maintank variety.

Then make some more main tanks, or get people to stop whining when Hammond is brought out. And teach them to shoot shields.

That does literally nothing to remove the problem of DoubleBarrier, and it doesn’t fundamentally make Tanks playstyle more fun.

And isn’t even in the realm of possibility anyways, since they already said no new heroes before OW2 comes out. Which probably isn’t for another 6-10 months.

i was actually trying to come up with a non barrier main tank

how does an idea of having a passive ability that reduces all damage coming from targets at more than lets say, 10m by 25% (maybe it gets worse the further you are?) and some E that enchances this to 50-75% temporarily?

its a unfinished concept but i really like that idea

I mean all you would need is a Tank that prevents headshot crits in an aura.

Or maybe converts damage received into a slower bleed effect.

that could work too but thats not really good enough in my opinion

it would be completly useless against bastion for example, thats why i said overall damage resistance

Here you go, i added the idea into one of my hero concepts that could use a rework

Tank – Main Tank – Sniper Tank
200 hp
200 Shield

/Passive: On-Board Throphy System/

*Roger´s mech contains a on board trophy system to intercept proyectiles, reducing damage for his team

  • Reduces damage from all attackers beyond 10m of distance by 25% on all allies under 20m of distance
  • Reduces critical damage from all attackers by 25% on all allies under 20m of distance

/Passive 2: Advanced machinery/

Roger´s mech contains advanced machinery to improve his combat capabilities

  • Jump can be charged by holding space to increase its height greatly
  • Immune to critical hits

/Primary fire: Railgun/

  • Charge time of 1.2 seconds
  • Goes through barriers
  • Deals 120 damage on direct shot
  • Produces a light in front of him, acting as a visual warning for his shot
  • Infinite ammo
  • Cannot crit

/Ability 1: Modified Shield Projector/

Creates a shield bubble around hit that can take 10 Hits, They can be 10 dva nukes, or 10 bastion bullets,
it does not matter the damage, but the amount of hits

  • Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • Duration: 4 seconds

/Ability 2: Power Diversion/

Diverts all power into the trophy system, enchancing its ability to intercept proyectiles

  • On-Board trophy system damage resistance increased to 66%
  • On-Board trophy system minimum range decreased to 7.5m

Ultimate: Piercing shot

  • Activates a mode in its cannon, Making it pierce through Shields and walls alike,
  • The ability lasts for 12 seconds