✅ Need more Barrier Tank players?

The game needs more barrier tank players.
If it doesn’t get them, Overwatch probably won’t make it to Overwatch 2.

And the most direct way to incentivize DPS players to play BarrierTank, is damage.

then get rid of the shield. its literally sigma holding back dive/bunker/brawl hes to good in any situation if he has any shield because he does great poke damage and has a mini succ to eat poke damage along with the ability to null out shatter, bomb, tire, and most aoe damage ults/splash. they introduced a character who literally broke the fundamental gameplay of the game and blizz’s only response was to

A) dumpster him

B) hero bans to weekly ban out rein then orisa/sigma

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People don’t need incentives to play those heroes.

Although if they were to buff them, it would probably be giving them better Peeling for teammates.

I.e. Less cooldown on Zarya teammate-bubble

But you know what, why not, let me think of a couple ideas.

How about:

Zarya: -1sec on Projected barrier
Roadhog: -1sec on Hook
D.va: -1sec needed to regain full Matrix resource
Hammond: -1sec on Grappling Claw

I see you say this but then I see people complain about always having to pick 2 barrier tanks. Rein is a must pick and you want another barrier tank with him? What about the other non-barrier tanks? Are they to be brushed off as trash and left to rot?

Personally I find playing barrier tanks boring. I won’t queue as tank because of this. Hog IMO is the most fun to play but isn’t really that great because he’s an ult battery. D.va is meh for my personal enjoyment and Zarya is ok.

I’m a DPS main (Junkrat) and Ana support. What you’re wanting is what I would hate.

yeah idk why they gave sigma a shield, when he has defense matrix, cc and crazy damage. His ult was op too but they nerfed it thankfully.

None of them make any impact except for maybe Zarya. She’s a high pick right now because she works well with Rein and this would likely start pushing her over the OP line.

Hog, WB, D.va and maybe Winston need a passive that reduces other heroes ult charge rate when shooting them… Those first 3 tanks I listed are MASSIVE ult batteries. As a Junkrat main when I see a Hog I’m like, “Ohhhh goodie, lots of ult charging coming up!”

I think you’re underestimating how much Hog and Hammonds whole kit is built around those abilities.

Also Hog would benefit greatly from Orisa being a main tank again.

I still think you could make Orisa’s gun more attractive just by increasing projectile speed, and not with raw power. I think a gatling gun with inbuilt lag is unappealing to most. But hey, if increasing damage per bullet works, then it works. It’s true that QP is swamped by offtanks, there’s definitely a “fun” problem.

I think that might get to much into the niche they are gonna have for Mauga.

Well, like you said about a review of barrier mechanics in general, we could really use an injection of tanks now and not with OW2.

No. Actually we need a game less reliant upon shields. We need maps with more cover and more paths, we need burst damage to be less reliable to land, we need high-alpha to come at a very serious opportunity cost, and then when all that is done we need shields nerfed.

Free tanks from being shield bots, and you free the game.

Tbh, I’m basically seeing two paths:

  1. Buff tanks in a way that probably includes more firepower.
  2. Buff tanks a lot
    • Limit to 1 per team
    • Probably 1-2-2
    • Completely redo how CC affects tanks
    • Increase the selfpeel on healers a lot
    • Possibly make it so Ult charge is gained on kills and assists, not damage
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Honestly I think the best route would be:

  1. Buff tanks people actually want to play. Like, if Roadhog and Wrecking Ball were legitimate, wins-games tanks, wouldn’t we have a lot more tank players?

Firstly… why was this flagged?

I like this, might be a bit OP though (especially the shield)

I don’t think sigma should be an off-tank. He was designed to compete with orisa and rein, keep it that way. Just make it so he doesn’t work as well with orisa (fortify nerf should help)

This is good. his damage is currently too low and can’t secure any kills due to damage creep and armor.

He doesn’t need this.

Overall, maybe a bit too many buffs. I think tanks are already quite strong right now and this would just power creep them. Yeah we want to appease DPS players but that doesn’t mean making tanks OP.

I agree its the most sensible option, on top of this its his only ability that doesn’t fit his theme of affecting gravity in a unexplainable way. he can crush rocks together and throw them, he can form a void from his hand to eat practically anything, he can turn off gravity in area and heavily increase at will and he appears to float without assistance

his barrier is literally syms old barrier but with 4 tires found on the cars in the game attached to it so it can float.its silly as am pretty sure they randomly decided to make him a barrier tank near the end of his devlopment, much like how they randomly decided to make brigs kit into a support kit on top of an off tank kit

Well the primary goal is

  1. More barrier tank players, and since half of those barrier tank players are Rein players anyways, wouldn’t make sense to leave Rein out.
  2. The secondary part is balance between tanks. And I think there’s plenty of buffs for the other tanks to bring them up to Rein’s level.

chief you did not just call sigma a main tank and ball an off tank right

I like Orisa’s idea. Make her barrier strong again but nerf her tanking prowess outside of her barrier. However, I feel like 10% damage resistance is too little. 20% would be much better.

Sigma’s idea is okay. I’d make his barrier a bit faster since his shield hitbox is massive for 600 hp.

Winston, i’d just increase armor health by 100 or reduce leap cooldown by 1. His damage is fine tbh since it cleaves and he’s mobile.

Reinhardt’s damage is fine as it is.

Offtank changes are fine and simple. Although I’d rather decrease Zarya’s Particle Barrier’s cooldown rather than projected barrier since that ability is already really good.

Ball is an offtank for 95% of the players.
Top 5% and onetricks can get him up to main territory, but that’s more of a meme for the other 95%.

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Done with tanks for good except the occasional loot box tease. Until they fix matchmaking, it’s just not worth it. The game forces you to carry after a few decent games. Teams are too unreliable. Same reason I a think I am done with support as well.

Back to DPS but I won’t play unless I am doing something else and unfortunately there are going to be teams left without a DPS since it is not unusual for me to leave the room while waiting 8 - 15 minutes for a game, there are teams that are going to be down a player.

The whole system is broken but this is what 222 has forced.