They already reworked Bastion into a tank but they renamed it to Mauga.
I’m a good McCree but I refuse to play him if it’s not necessary because he is too forgiving
They probably felt it was too much. I don’t know.
While we’re talking about things that will never happen, let’s talk about making Pharah a support.
I think it was because of the 250 HP buff. Considering he amount of posts/streamers that were against it, they probably didn’t think it was a good idea.
Mei’s current role in OW is to play here like a tank, not a DPS. If she’s going to stay a DPS, her role needs to change and I think I might have a solution for this.
- While shooting at the ground in front of her, she gets a movement increase of 15% - 20%.
- Ice Wall health brought down from 400 to 250 as armor type
- Endothermic Blaster damage from 55 down to 40 or 45
- Bring her health down to 200
These changes would definitely increase the skill required to play Mei. She won’t be able to sit at the front line the entire time relentlessly freezing and walling enemies. She’d be the perfect DPS to protect healers and maybe even get into the enemy back-line to take down their healers (although that might be tough with only 200 HP). She could still use her walls strategically to block the brunt of Ults.
If you guys think that DPS should do damage only, then don’t even consider Sombra a DPS. DPSes make it easier to kill enemies, or just kill them by themself.
Mei doesn’t play like a tank. She can’t take space or reliably protect her team. She enables her team to get kills by denying space, freezing targets, and walling people off. Mei can’t push up in the front and push the enemy back, which is what a tank does to make space. Mei simply doesn’t have the pressure or abilities to do that