✅ Mercy, If Devs are looking for ideas

Can we make it so Mercy’s beam doesn’t break during Valk?

You really think…80 HPS main beam in Valk and 50 HPS chain beams for 10 seconds would make her OP…?

Current Valk is 15 seconds of 60 healing for 5 people = 4,500 healing

Grey’s suggestion is 10 seconds of 50 HPS for 4 people and 80 for one= 3,300 healing

That’s a net healing nerf. It’s literally a nerf to valk he did to compensate for giving her 60 HPS base healing:


Seems like pretty bad changes to me tbh. You’d be taking a hero that already a lot of people find boring and turning her into even more of a healbot.

You’d also be making her worse in one of the things she excels at, and therefore taking away one of the things she has over Ana and Moira. Mercy is never going to beat their healing, so by shifting the focus of her power to that, you’d be making her relatively weaker.

Having higher healing for a shorter time can often be better though. The net amount of healing a character can do is pretty much completely irrelevant. What matters is how well they heal when that healing actually matters.

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I just don’t see why we’d have to knock Damage Boost at all as compensation.
If anything, nerfing boost is just for the sake of being able to say “But she got a nerf so it balances out!” not that the nerf made any sense or was relevant, but serves its purpose as an empty-point filler in conversation that everyone will look back on in a year and wonder why they even bothered to nerf said thing.

This forum: Does this mediocore hero need a BIG flat buff or a HUGE buff???

Looks great on paper. However, as others have stated, the amount of healing that you can INITIALLY output is what counts since you normally use ults to get more value/ save teammates from dead (save those who are very low HP).

In which case, this would not be a nerf at all since the person receiving dmg could be healed up really fast AND you could fastly switch who your primary target is so she/he benefits from the 80 HPS.

That is why I would agree with this If it comes to the worst scenario:

Even though I still think 60HPS would be too much and 55 HPS + some minor utility buff would be better. This is just my opinion based on the data available from a lot of members of the OW community, though.

Watch her get no buff on the support patch and instead they just nerf Ana and Lucio and give Zen 40 HPS LOL