✅ Mercy, If Devs are looking for ideas

What I’m aiming for is for Mercy to be the top healer in Gold/Silver, equal to other healers in Plat, and not the top healer in Diamond and above.

You should be aiming for her to have a high level strat above Diamond she enables like dive. There’s honestly no reason Mercy shouldn’t be one of the best main healers for dive, her kit is perfect for it.

So basically make it so the Mercy mains have an artificial cap to where they expect to be able to climb to?

What the hell did they do to you?

Except Zen is FAR better at it.

Zens discord effects EVERYONE diving, since they dive the same target.

It is why she wasn’t used in dive, since other heroes are so very much better at it.

Well, high impact healing like 80hps would be pretty beneficial.

Could pocket a Genji Ult, for a budget nanoblade, but on a character with tons of selfpeel.

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Zen would be running with her, not against her, with an hps increase. So that’s fine. The goal is to make these two an attractive pairing.

You know and I know that Mercy gets nothing if the devs anticipate Mercy would become top meta healer.

Also GMs/Pros would be rather angry and vocal about it.


Zen needs Lucio as defense to counterdive. It is why outside of Moth you never saw Mercy played in dive.

You gotta run Zen any time the group will end up facing one target at a time, and you CAN’T run him without anti flanker defense, which Mercy does not give.

She can’t compete with the value of Zen / Lucio in dive situations. Or Zen / Brig.

Discord gives out an ENTIRE extra heroes worth of damage.

Mercy was trash before Moth. You barely saw her run in any comp before then. And Lucio was overpowered.

Mercy at 60 hps doesn’t have a hard time peeling for Zen because her kit enhances his own a lot. And Mercy as the goto dive healer lasted all the way until the 60 hps nerf eliminated this synergy with him, which was months after Moth Meta.

Moth Meta shouldn’t be referred to as the entire time she was run in dive. It should only be the time she was OP in dive.

They would be torn apart by flankers. Mercy has to abandon him when she is jumped.

It was also the only time she was run in dive. It was Zen / Lucio. And Lucio was only there to save Zen, by speed boosting him when he was jumped.

The problem was, Say, Mercy gets jumped, she can flee? but to where? it CAN’T be Zen.

And she can’t fly to Zen when 2 tank and 2 dps show up - she isn’t saving him from that, and will ALSO die in the process.

Exactly HOW does Mercy save Zen vs Winston / Dva / Tracer / Genji as a group when they show up on his door?

She actually can peel for him alright. She only needs to keep him up long enough for help to arrive.

Mercy’s Moth state was Stage 1.

She was being nerfed down through the other stages… remember they didn’t nerf her down to where she is now all at once.

Again… Winston / D’va and a couple of DPS show up, how EXACTLY does she save Zen in that case?

Because Lucio speed boosts Zen the moment dive starts, and means the divers have to burn far more cooldowns (which they don’t have at the time) to get to him.

You are not going to run Mercy even with more healing in a dive situation. She doesn’t provide armor like Brig, and she doesn’t provide a team wide damage boost like Zen.

She just isn’t good at dive.

Does Mercy/Zen have to be good on both Attack and Defence?

I’ve actually seen a lot of Zen/Brig on OWL/Contenders recently

Yeah, because Brig can buff the divers AND actually be effective at peeling for Zen. That matchup makes sense.

No. She was not. She recieved the “Moth” state ending changes in January. Stage 2 kicked off shortly after. She wouldn’t be touched again until Gravdragon fixed her ability to damage boost dragons, which had absolutely no impact on her other stage playrates or balance state.

People assumed it meant she was still broken. But she wasn’t. She was actually still being played because double damage amp has high synergy with dive and she was a superior choice to Lucio for it as a result.

People kept asking for nerfs but devs didn’t budge because their data showed she was balanced. They flat out said as much.

When Mercy failed to fall out of meta when a Rein meta came along, that is when they decided to nerf her. Because they had assumed Ana would replace her. The sad thing that Ana WAS already beginning to replace her before the nerfs. Mercy was dropped for Ana in Contenders and Ana was gaining pickrate everyday in GM.

If Brigitte hadn’t been released, necessitating double damage amp snipers/pharah to deal with her, it’s likely this process would have went faster than it did.

Ok, that seems fair, I feel like there was a LOT more nerfs spread out in there, but obviously, I was wrong there.

I still think putting an artificial limit on her for ladder sucks pretty hard though. OWL may have used her a lot, but they are different from ladder. (See Sombra.)

What’s so wrong with just giving her 60 hps and then seeing how she does? There’s a good chance that’s all she’s ever needed to be perfect.

The reason you felt that way is because she did get a lot of nerfs spread out over time. It’s just most of them were before league launched. Since she continued to be played after them in league so much, it’s really easy to blend Moth and Mercy Dive together, they were run one right after the other.

I don’t think it would put the limit on her GreyFalcon seems to think it will because I think the power she would get from being able to have proper synergies again would greatly outstrip the value of nerfing damage boost by a small amount.

There are things they could try to though rather than that. I just remember that double damage amp was the problem so if she did become a problem again, it would make sense to look at that first.

The thing here is, if they though that double damage amp was the issue they would have nerfed damage amp, rather than her healing.

The issue I have is far more of her skill expression is in the damage boost, and making that part of her kit less good basically means removing skill expression from her, which I think is a bad move™

We should be making her skill matter more, rather than less.

I managed to get my highest SR ever in the game, by just grouping up with higher ranked people every chance I could get with her as an experment.

My lack of ability to play her at those ranks to any real ability, was MORE than offset by the lower ranked games I brought with me, where the team dominated, all running heroes with had higher impact than she did.

like, taking away one of the few high impact parts of a kit, in a hero which struggles in that way is just… like, pretty awful.

I ended up moving to DPS because of the lack of impact in the support lineup, and Mercy was by far the worse for it.

I think making Mercy the goto healer for the bottom 90% of the players (when you add Quickplay) is decent enough.

I think we can do better, having heroes which are balanced across the board, lets not turn her into baby’s healer. That is just insulting. Her mains deserve better than that.