✅ Fixing Tank/Queue issues in a nutshell

So far the issue boils down to this:

  1. Barrier Tank is restricted to 1.
  2. 2x Barrier Tank has a “something” that weakens the benefit of the double barriers.
  3. DoubleOffTank isn’t a throw composition.
  4. 1 Tank of any type per team. (I.e. 1-3-2, or 1-2-2).

That said:

  • They really should make it so that the matchmaker doesn’t care, (as much), if the entire team has similar SR.
  • Just that all 4 DPS, all 4 Tanks, all 4 Healers, have similar SR within their role.
  • I.e. 3200SR Tank, 2500SR Tanks, 2800SR Healers

Which would allow the relatively plentiful amount of tanks in Gold/Platinum to fix the queue times in higher ranks.
(Either by directly putting a Gold/Plat Tank in those games, or more likely by offsetting Diamond Tanks that could be used in Masters games etc)

And the first part 1,2,3 above would be used to primarily increase the supply of Tanks in Gold/Plat.

The difference in skill level between each rank is actually pretty big and the higher you go in ranks the larger the skill gap between each rank. Putting tanks (or any role really) into a game with higher levels of the other two roles would really drag down the game for those other players. Especially, putting tanks higher than they belong as they typically have the most impact on the game for better or worse.

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I would like that a lot.

The sole reason I won’t queue for tank right now is because I know it’s going to put me in lobbies way outside of my skill rating. The role is so in demand that it’s used anywhere it’s needed. I’m fine with that in QP, but not in competitive. I shouldn’t be playing against 4400+ tanks as a ~3700 tank… yet, all of my placements were like that. Small sample size, I know, but it was enough to bias me against playing for now.

The thing is Tank is a relatively easy role to perform, and the way the system works now you got tanks being thrown into matches where the DPS can’t get kills, and don’t know how to coordinate and are usually off flanking half the match.

Meanwhile I’m sure DPS at high ranks would be a lot happier with reasonable queue times, and slightly worse tanks. Assuming both teams had equally good Tanks.