[✅] Easiest fix for Roadhog

Didn’t know hog was alone on the team and only he was shooting shields.


What? You’re not answering what I said.
When Hog was meta, he could flank, get a hook kill and walk away with breather with a free kill, which made Ana a must pick for her cc to avoid that
How will you prevent that?
We also don’t have double barrier anymore

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Hogs barrier breaking potential was a big offset for him being otherwise horrible at doing anything besides hooks.

Good suggestion. It also wouldn’t really change his damage vs. tanks which is the reason they gave for reducing his damage.

By using your eyes and making sure for offtanks can peel for you. Or heck. Maybe use that sleep dart on a gigantic slow moving target.

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Again, he still does massive amounts of damage to barriers, and there are 5 other members on your team. What does buffing his hook do to his barrier breaking? Absolutely nothing. All you want to do is enable flank hog. So that’s a big no from me.

If you hook someone into your team, they die anyway. There’s no reason to just make it easier for hog to do everything by himself.

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Sounds like you don’t want hog to be good at anything.

Okay so now we’re just making sht up and ignoring points? LMAO.

He’s still good at getting picks. If you want him to be better at shield breaking which is the point you bring up. Buff his fire rate and / or his ammo capacity. All your buff does is it make it easier to one shot people. Which again, is a no from me.

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So keep Ana a must pick? What if Hog is spawn camping someone? What if a Hog is hiding in the backlines?
There SHOULD be a way to punish Hog without NEEDING cc
Having it be “have cc or lose a teammate to flanking Hog” is not good game design.
Trade survivability for lethality or keep Hog as is

They nerfed his barrier break and his hooks. What else is he supposed to do?

Besides feed a metric ton of Ult charge.

Use your eyes and microphone is largely a counter.

The thing is I don’t want him to just be a hook bot. I want him to have high damage (7 per pellet would be ideal), but his breather/hook would need some sort of nerf in exchange. This way he can apply pressure with his high damage w/o being a hook bot.

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Play with his team? Hook people? And they die???

Bro his combo still puts 200 - 250 hp heroes at damn near one hp. Literally any sort of follow up shot from hog or his team kills him. If you hook them into your team, they die. Simple as that. Buffing his one shot just makes it so he can do it by himself. Which takes him away from being a tank and onto him just being a dps.

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By that logic, let’s lower Widow’s maximum headshot damage to 180, and increase her grapple cooldown by 5sec.

Gut the character to the point that they can’t do anything without teammate help.

Hog’s hook is really fast, and with how fast the game is, reacting to it can be hard. Sound is messed up in game too, and I should not need 3rd party items to play a game.
Flank Hog won’t come back because it wasn’t fair to play against.
Trade survivability for lethality or stay the same

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Sounds like you intentionally mis-interpreted his argument for the sake of making yours look valid.

Hog already controls plenty of space with one of the best displacement abilities in the game, his survivability is through the roof in most confrontations and demands a lot of attention from the enemy team already.

He doesn’t need to potential to one shot because you should be playing in a team drawing aggro and not wandering around hoping you get picks.

There's a second opinion for you.
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Two completely different heroes, two completely different roles.

Tanks always can’t do stuff without teammate help. It’s how they work. Hell, every character in the game needs help from their team.

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So basically what you’re saying is you don’t want hog to ever get kills unless his team is following up on it.

How about we lower Mercy’s healing down to 40, with a damage boost at 20 while we’re at it.

Overwatch as a game is absolutely dead, murdered and killed of they can’t fix queue times.

And you want to make queue times worse.

Are you insane?

Tanks shouldn’t be getting kills alone ANYWAYS, that’s what DPS are for. Tanks play with the team, if you don’t wanna play with the team, play Genji and Tracer