She was good after GOATS before 2x shield.
yeah but it was fairly short lived
I doubt that double shield is caused by one thing in particular, likely, it is caused by a combination of things. What seems most likely is a lack of counters and a need for more damage mitigation. Two shields was possible since Orisa was added to the game, but we didn’t really even see it until Sigma was added. Around the time that we saw Sigma’s addition we also saw a lot of support nerfs and DPS buffs, both of those together created a need for two main supports or two shields. Its probably the reason that we don’t see Zen anymore, the extra damage he provides isn’t needed and he simply doesn’t provide enough healing either.
Although that is one of the possible reasons, there are more. We see a lot of Mei, who can stop a lot of damage. Moira was really good, probably for a combination of reasons, but one of them being her Healing. Ana is the best support, probably because she both provides a lot of healing and has a way to counter two main healers in one. If you look at DPS we often time see utility DPS being played, usually teams wouldn’t do this because it would leave the team without damage, but right now you can run one of these heroes while also having enough damage.
Earthshatter is probably part of the problem, personally I think its maybe in the top three strongest ultimate’s. What we really need to get rid of double barrier is less damage, and buffs to the counters. Dual shield should be viable though, we can’t just nerf it out of exsistance.
Because she is good with Sigma and he is good with and against Ashe and Genji.
Just dropping in to say I love or is a she’s my baby and deserves better uwu
Orisa became meta when speedboost got weaker, and Mei got used a lot which acts as almost a second barrier. Plenty enough to block a Shatter.
But yeah, this is more of an Orisa thing.
Well, before making changes to BarrierTanks to make them better against blocking earthshatter, better make OffTanks good at that, otherwise we will remain reliant on double barrier tanks. (like someone said about making Orisa’s Fortify block shatter).
Well yeah that was part of it, but 2-2-2 doubled her power as well.
Well to be honest, I’m thinking that barrier reliance isn’t going away without dramatic changes to
- Earthshatter or it’s counters
- Bionade or it’s counters
- Ult charge feeding from poke damage (or something that cancels ult charge feeding?)
- Instant kills at range… and it’s not like we want everybody to be able to rez
You forgot discord orb? Should it be included?
In other words, all kinds of debuffs as well, like freeze and hack too.
You can’t just afford to be exposed/vulnerable to snipers LoS, spam, poke and debuffs.
and lower cool down + 900 shield where orisa is only 600 hp stationary barrier with kind of long cooldown
I doubt that’s the sole reason, but it probably contributes.
Yeah probably.
TBH, the way that games like say, Apex, deal with ranged poke damage, is they have it so that if you get sniped out. Then you can crawl to cover, with a little handheld barrier, and then get rezed by any teammate, but with enough damage you’ll go down.
The game Dirty Bomb had a similar mechanic, but one melee attack would finish off an enemy.
There are ways around it. It’s just… not easy.
TBH, I think if we were to focus on the OffTank/AnchorTank issue, making it so that OffTanks are more close-ranged-brawl benefited than AnchorTanks.
Which doesn’t bring it on-par with AnchorTanks, but doesn’t make it full throw comp either.
But that’s the problem around tanks Grey, if you have to walk into close range to do meaningful damage, without a barrier you will just feed, unless you have mobility or something, but even then, just look at D.Va, you get move penalty for shooting, so you can feed while you shoot too.
Heh, give Tanks a passive where they don’t feed Ult charge unless they are killed.
Or maybe highly reduced Ult charge feed.
Or better yet, make it scale with maximum default HP.
Where Ult Charge is gained as a percentage of the total maximum default HP.
1 damage on Tracer = 1 ult point
4 damage on Roadhog = 1 ult point
2.67 damage on Sigma = 1 ult point
This should be a thing because the bigger hitboxes are to compensate the bigger health poll, but it ends up not compensating the ult give away, actually feeding it instead.
Which also goes counter-intuative that Tanks should be “taking aggro”, when doing so bleeds Ult Economy like crazy.
there’s a way to not play like a big clump of units, but that style has been long forgotten.
Unless you have an external health bar that will neutralize damage and not give ult charge away.
I blame Widowmaker.