✅ Buff Barriers, counter at close range

Which is nice, but I’m looking to solve the game-ending systemic problem of Queue Times.
Not just a little extra variety.

And making Sigma into a Tank with a good barrier, good damage, but meh selfpeel is an easy way to do that.

Also while I understand some people can use him fine, there have been Bastion/Sym/Torb onetricks in Top500 since Comp began.

Also, I’ll bet even if you use Sigma+OffTank on Attack, you’ll probably get steamrolled if you try that on Defence.

This is 100% intentional. The idea here is that it’s not reasonable to make it so the counter to DoubleBarrier is medium range. So it has to be close range.

By making the weakness close range:

  1. It doesn’t matter how strong the barriers are if you can speedboost/dive past it.
    (I.e. Countered by Rein or Winston comps)
  2. It makes it a really big problem to have Orisa or Sigma without an OffTank to Peel for them.

Just long enough to run for cover after the barrier breaks. With the headshot immunity to block against Snipers.
Or to survive against a D.vaBomb or EarthShatter.

“Hammond has entered the chat”

In all seriousness thou, Rein needs some sort of real competition for barriers. However, the changes above would still entice a double shield meta again. I would revert Orisa’s barrier to what it was, and change Sigma’s barrier to be more of an off tank.

For instance, I once suggested that Sigma’s barrier health should be nerfed even further, but it goes a LOT more faster and recall cooldown is removed.

Buff Sombra? lol, I’m kidding, that would be infuriating

Kinetic grasp doesn’t need a nerf, people just shoot into it like idiots and expect Sigma to just keel over and die.

I’d rather Sigma be a main tank instead of an OffTank.


Sigma needs his dps back and a 600 hp shield so we can finally admit he’s an off tank, and give Orisa the the 900 hp barrier (10s cd) she deserves. Orisa/Hog could be playable again after all the Mei nerfs, and if enemy team goes snipers, you go sig! He always seemed to me to be the off tank you’d pick when ur on a map with really long sightlines and the enemy is running snipers. Sig gets kinda farmed by a lot of flankers without perfect play (buffing his dps helps this, not his shield), but his shield is sooooo good at shutting out Widows or cutting off Ana sightlines. And imo that’s what it should be used for; small situational things to force rotations/disrupt enemy positioning. Not to try to eat storm arrow, junk bombs, and zen spam in choke lol. U can’t main tank with 400 hp, no armor, and a shield that can be placed anywhere but is a slow mf to replace. Probably the highest IQ sig plays I have seen were on flanks with their bastion lmfao