✅ Buff Barriers, counter at close range

Putting numbers into Sigma’s barrier does not make it any less clunky. It’s the equivalent of pumping steroids into a paralyzed horse. Why not just enforce 1 barrier tank and 1 non-barrier tank per team instead of watering down already struggling tanks?

  1. They shoot stuff, with a variety of prediction based aiming mechanics. You got your choice of bullet-ish or rocket-ish.
  2. Each main tank has a whole selection of offtanks they pair with. I.e. Sigma/Zarya, Orisa/Hog
  3. By nerfing close range, you make it so there is more room for Dive.

If by “clunky”, you mean that he’s wide open for counterplay at close range.

That’s a feature. Not a problem.

I’m talking about their core abilities being shields. When I’m talking about variety, I want hem to be something else than just shields.

So you don’t want there to be any more anchor tanks, you want them to remain as offtanks. But also you want to have more composition variety with tanks…


That’s kinda like saying we can’t have more than 1 Main Healer in the game besides Ana, and all other healers should be nerfed down to offhealers.

Main tank doesn’t mean shield. Hammond is a main tank with NO shield. Anchor tanks don’t have to be shield bots.

Hammond is only a main tank for some niche strategies run at the top 3% of the playerbase.

For everybody else, he’s an offtank.

No thank you, I much prefer tactical cool down abilities like Fortify / Grasp over hold it / drop it and forget it barrier reliance.

A good start to not making Reinhardt critical on every team would be to make his own ultimate not the width of the entire screen and also knocking people out of the air at the same time. Just a start.

You know what my ideas won’t work for overwatch anyways, cause it’s its core design that makes tanks the way they are. Feel free to feel like I never bothered you. I’m sorry lol.

Well I got another concept to fix that from the other direction.

✅ What if OffTanks fed less UltCharge?

I have a question, does fortify will also provide CC immunity and damage reduction on top of headshot immunity despite the duration reduction?

Since when you cant land headshots on orisa when she fortify? I really dont remember that
But yes, she can’t be stuned/pushed and has dmg reduction when she uses fortify

Yup, still gives CC immunity

this is one of the most creative threads I’ve read involving the “buff barrier tanks” thought. There’s only 1 change I’d make though…
Orisa in fortify moves 25% slower.
It’s the only way to stop double barrier metas from rising.

Buff or nerf barries… Doesn’t matter, you can’t fix the people who only shoot the barriers rather than seeking their full value by taking high-ground or something to that effect.

How well do you think buffing Shield Breakers like Junkrat would turn out for the Meta if these changes were to go through? If we were to ever get a Double Shield Meta, the Devs could give an extra passive to Junkrat that lets him do increased damage to shields, or have it only apply when two barriers are up at the same time

You still have a 400 HP tank that self harms at close range with a barrier on a very noticeable redeploy cooldown. Like, I get what you’re trying to do but Sigma is absolute garbage the moment you get close to him. Removing kinetic grasp’s temp shields just makes his death inevitable the moment you close distance on him.

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You only really need to make it so DoubleBarrier is reliably counterable at high tier.

Other skill tiers won’t have the coordination to abuse it as well.

I’m okay with that, but I don’t really understand why it’d be useful. It does make the selfpeel less useful. But kinda confused.

Could just make it so he doesn’t selfharm at close range.

But yeah, the whole point here is that Orisa and Sigma should be made to be vulnerable at close range.
Heck, maybe drop some Orisa HP if needed.

If you don’t have her move 25% slower or some variation on it, then she’d be too strong on attack. That’s why double barrier was so strong, a lucio could just ferry around the orisa and sigma. Orisa was originally designed as a single point defense character, and for her to move slowly in comparison would really hammer in that nail and make her harder to rise to that level of power again

Well, can’t hurt the concept, so sure why not.

It’ll all get worked out eventually in playtesting and balance patches.

I’ll put that up top.

If it were that easy they wouldn’t have to nerf double barrier meta and pirate ship wouldn’t have existed.