✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

Double 1-3-2 balanced offtanks though, would still be a ton more effective than current doubleofftank.

So tank players would have two different elos? One for main and one for bruiser?

Hadnt really thought about that part.

Oh well, onto the next idea.

✅ 1-3-2, but OffTanks are commonpool

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Balance is secondary concern that can come after. Not saying its not important to balance in the roles but how are you going to balance anything with feedback that is so slanted in one direction that pretty much makes the feedback useless? No one likes the way the feedback is right now. Dps mains are easy scapegoats and no one enjoys that, the other roles don’t feel heard or like they really have a voice. No one really wins with the way things are. And we can’t fix things if feedback is broken beyond repair. Getting more tanks and supports out there on to the live versions of the game is how we get feedback in better spot and in return balance.

Not to mention the problem of there not being very many good swaps also goes down which also makes for better balance.

So what about this idea?

This current idea this thread has is better than anything with a 1 in it. I am vehemently against any 1s no matter the spot in role que. No role can handle a 1. And that is just making the dps que even worse not better by adding more heroes to it and also making it so the dps will be forced into tanks. Because they will be a tons of requests for the dps to go one of the bruisers and its probably going to get flamey.

Well, if 3x of your team aren’t willing to swap to offtank, AND your 1x Tank refuses to go barrier Tank.
With 4x players soft-throwing, do you really deserve to win?

My point is why do we want a system that makes throwing easier? Or that encourages more flame wars? And is even more strict on what you can and can’t play

Well, even if it’s not optimal, this would be with 1-3-2 balanced tanks.

I.e. Bubble your entire team Zarya

1 of anything is horrific design that doesn’t work. I have argued against that concept for a long time now. See my post history/

It would be optional 1x though.

Which allows Quickplay to slack on strict team comps, but for Comp to get serious about stronger compositions.

Even the option of 1 in any role causes the exact same problems. If they want to make arcade modes where 1 is a thing fine cool no problem but 1 of any role is not fine for the main modes and the option to have a 1 is no better because it still allows the 1 to exist.

I don’t think adding another dps slot by nuking the tank role is a good idea no matter how many times this idea is rephrased.

At least when the devs tested 132, Roadhog was changed to be better at tanking.

So what if they did 1-3-2, with all the buffs, but the DPS had the option to go 1x OffTank.

I don’t think you can balance the tanks for 222 play and 132 play at the same time, which your idea needs. Buffed Zarya is… well lets pretend its sorta balanced in 132, but she’d be ridiculous with a Reinhardt.

How so?

What would be the problem if you had bubble your entire team Zarya, and beefy 90 hammer damage Rein?

Only ptr Echo can fight that, the old tank busters aren’t made for that. Reaper and Junkrat are already trash without buffing every tank in the game.

There would be more sustain.
But that’s largely cancelled out by the tanks themselves would be contributing a lot of firepower.

This actually would work. Zarya is one of my fav heroes and the only thing keeping me from playing her more is that uncertainty. Maybe as soon as I pick Zarya my other tank goes Hog or something dumb like that. Even If they pick a tank doesn’t work as well with Zarya (unlikely since Rein is usually the most picked main tank) I would have fun with Hog or D.Va.

I suggest moving Hammond to the main tank role though. He works nicely with Zarya and can be main tank in a dive comp with D.Va.

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Not when Zarya has twice the bubbles but less damage. It wouldn’t make tankbusters less terrible either. Its also not fun fighting op heroes anyway, it feels weird.

The devs don’t even have balance changes for 132 ready anyway. What was on experimental mode was terrible and tank balance is awful enough without another huge shake up.

Also, Hammond and Winston are realy iffy between main and off tank. I don’t feel comfortable categorizing them as exclusively one or the other