✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

I did you just didn’t see it or choose to ignore it. You aren’t giving people a chance to explore those roles if they make up such a small portion of the roster. Giving nearly 20 out of 40 dps heroes means that not only do the other roles have less exposure but flawed views of the state of the rosters. Options matter and having to little is punishing see the sorry states of tanks and how horrible there balance history as a class has been.

I think you are far the player prefrance thing and that isn’t even the issue. Its a problem but not THE problem. Feedback form 20-10-10 can never ever be balanced regardless of who is in what group. Reconfigure the numbers anyway you want and its still a flaw. Splitting is also not the answer here we saw that with defense/offense categories that used to exist with the largest category which could more afford that type of set up numbers wise but still caused issues.

I appreciate the effort but I don’t think this idea would work.

Incidentally, it’s a TON easier to create BarrierTanks and OffTanks.
If you don’t have to worry about DoubleBarrier.

And I should know, I’ve practically written a book on DoubleBarrier issues.

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Ah, I see. I was a bit confused by the first post. It’s a good idea. I must say I would miss being able to pick Ball when we need to stall then when queuing for shield tank. But I think it would be worth it.

Maybe I can’t comprehend the idea that a raw number of options would be equivalent to a raw number of viable options.

Balance is difficult. If a hero is significantly underpowered, they might as well not exist.

The raw strength of this idea is that you go from having basically 1 actual main tank, Reinhardt, into having 3-4 main tanks.

lol now that I can agree with you on.

The problem here is that you’re creating more buckets to divvy up the playerbase. You create a role for bruiser, you still have need for the tank role to be filled, and now even less of the people that only play tank to jump queues are going into the tank role.

That would be true if it was only 1-1-2-2.

This idea is these two queues running in parallel at the same time.

  • 1Tank-1Bruiser-2Damage-2Healer
  • 0Tank-2Bruiser-2Damage-2Healer

With the matchmaker making as many 1-1-2-2 games as there are barrier tank players.
And the rest of the games are “DoubleBruiser” 0-2-2-2 games.

How do we know that?

So tank players lose half of their already limited role? They either pick tank or bruiser? Can we please start considering making tanking better instead of worse? The strawberry line isn’t fast because vanilla is so loved, it’s because strawberry smells like crap.

Also to each one to you balance these for? Wouldn’t any given hero perform differently given the difference between compositions, like we had before with 3-3-3 making some heroes OP but fine for 2-2-2?

Furthermore, wouldn’t everyone still be waiting for the tank player thus not helping queue times? Wouldn’t the increase complexity of matchmaker make it even worse?

If it’s not enticing enough, a framework like this makes it easy to crank up the damage on offtanks.

And I’d argue having 3-4 fully viable solobarrier tanks is a massive upgrade to Reinhardt jail.

I figure the matchmaker would make as many BarrierTank games as it can find BarrierTanks. Then the rest would be DoubleBruiser games.

So most matches would be double bruiser and then one is hoping there’s enough bruisers to have an decent impact on queue times once you remove the need to accommodate the main tanks.

Not sold.

You basically make offtanks “FAT DPSes with great queue times”, which is a very enticing option for DPS players.

Since the way this problem gets solved is by making DPS players switch to play Tank. That’s pretty much it.

Your only other options are:

  1. Get rid of the idea of having 2 tanks on a team, and going 1-3-2 or 1-2-2.
  2. Intentionally cause DPS players to quit the game.

If you’re thinking this problem gets solved without making DPS players want to play Tank. I don’t think you’ve thought this one through.

Process of elimination, there aren’t really that many categories of options to solve this.

I’ll probably need to rework this post on the morning.
Fix some typos. Frontload the 1-1-2-2 and 0-2-2-2 concept.
Just generally design better. It’s not obvious that there’s two queues. Need to make a new graphic.
Redesign it for a Reddit post in a single graphic.
Cover how it’s a ton easier to balance barrier tanks, and easier to design future barrier tanks.

I figure she counters Rein more but I only think the beam and the duplicate are going to be an issue balance wise.

Especially if triple tank comes back with rein shatters.

Yes really. Not all but alot.

I like what you’re saying about limiting barrier tanks to one so that they don’t have to be gimped. I think that’s really important.

I don’t like the idea of two separate queues, or having a lot of double off tank games.

I had an idea that’s similar, but simpler: 1-3-2 with one optional off tank taking a Damage slot. Then most games will still be 2-2-2, but the kind that people actually enjoy (one main tank and one off tank). In other games, you may get actual 1-3-2, and that’s fine as well.

Here’s my thread if you want to look and see what you think:
1-3-2: Introduce the “Heavy” Damage role

I love the Bruiser idea, I hope Blizz read this and be interesting.

Had a better idea version in the other thread.

“1-3-2, but offtanks are commonpool between Tank and Damage. And no more than 2 Tanks per team.”

No, I used to be a tank main back in the day and 2-2-2 has made me go more towards DPS and Double Off tank isn’t the reason since I was a Rein main

I seriously doubt that

Where does Bastion and Sombra fall into?

I’ll wait to see your idea fleshed out, but I still worry about double off tank, which is an issue that currently affects every role.

This thread from a Damage player echoes how I feel about it:
I propose 1-1-2-2

Sick of getting 2 Off Tanks on my team after spending long queue times for DPS. This is just QP too… it’s kind of frustrating. When I tank I win… because I usually go Rein or something vital to the team.