[✅] Boosted Headshots = 230%, not 260%

Then change how often the boost can occur, boosts for 4 seconds on a 12 second cooldown. Cause there’s other heroes who can Boost Ashe, Zen, Ana, Bap, Orisa, etc

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So change those heroes too.

The game doesn’t need rapidfire instakills.

So… we’re nerfing Mercy because Widow and Ashe are too strong? Why?

Now I have to admit I don’t like Blue Beam and never have… but why hasn’t Widow just gotten modified to 125 body shot damage and 2x headshot damage? She doesn’t need 300 damage hits for any reason. She also doesn’t need to only get ~50% charge with boost to 1 shot a squishy. Half the reason she’s too good is that she can 2 tap most tanks.

Alternatively, a much healthier way to make barriers not as much of a problem is to buff everyone’s HP totals by 100. Then y’know we don’t need to throw nerfs at nearly everyone.

Yes you do actually, or at least you need the ability to deal a lot of damage in a short instance. Because as long as shields, bubbles, dm, etc exist, along with heals, the need for burst damage becomes stronger. Combined with heals it’s not surprising heroes like Gennji and Ashe become meta.

Because your window of opportunity to secure kills becomes much smaller, and the movement of players is much better. So combine that better movement with the levels if sustain there is, and average accuracy, it’s not surprising who’s picked more.

Because the overall game is more important than any individual hero. And the devs are moving towards a meta with a lot less barriers.

Also with a nerf like this, Mercy could free up “budget” for further buffs. That would affect more typical players, rather than the ones that just pocket a sniper the entire game.

For instance:


Staff = 60hps
Rez = 0.65sec cast
Pistol = 0.5sec on Weapon switch.

The devs are deliberately increasing the opportunity to shoot stuff directly, so you don’t need to be able to spam off 3 instakill shots in 1.4sec.

Less barriers means ranged instakills need to be put in check.

Ok… so… kinda… but no not really.

Thing is that Blizzard has done an incredibly good job of making heroes that people are overwhelmingly loyal to. Due to vastly different play styles, characterization, and cosmetics… Blizzard ruining any one hero WILL ruin the game for a portion of their audience.

Sure if somehow the whole game goes up in smoke, none of the heroes will matter, but the game could very easily die just off of Blizzard making too many of their heroes boring or miserable to play.

Bold of you to assume that Blizzard would actually compensate her accurately.

Also… of those 3 buffs you suggest, the Rez buff is the only one actually fixes any of Mercy’s issues and its the one that is most likely to get removed again by whiners.

You’d think the devs would want to look for ways to make OW2 cinematic heroes worthwhile before OW2 launches.

Mercy being one of the most iconic heroes.

Also generally devs have been much more agreeable to the concept of tradeoff changes.

I wouldn’t see Mercy getting her rez cast time reduced even slightly, because it was cause riots regardless of what you do to her, even though this would probably be a indirect nerf to DB.

I would be fine with this since it still increases the damage, I never understood why it also increases critical damage aswell, because with other games with damage multipliers from outside sources, they don’t apply to headshot damage (for example Sniper in TF2, critical boosting him with the Kritzkrieg doesn’t change the headshot damage, rather, it just makes it so you don’t have to headshot to recieve the full damage of a headshot, and it will always be dependent on charge.)

I am pretty sure that her absolutely botched rework and massive backlash from said rework have put Blizzard off of ever doing anything for Mercy outside of minor number changes.

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Because in TF2 you didn’t have crits on everything, unless they were random.

A lot of the weapon in the game don’t have special crit modifiers, so ones that do tend to be used for the clutch damage potential they provided.

It makes sense to boost headshot damage here because most guns have a crit modifier. The ones who don’t are the minority (though they prob should have some kind of reward for skill).

I like the way u wanna approach this, but friendly reminder that … even though the obnoxious Ashe Mercy terror which we are witnessing since her buffs of Ashe, isnt Mercy driven, it is Ashe driven. So yea, nice…boosts get less value and such, but that doesnt change the fact of those heroes which just delete u with immense speed and tremendous damage (either with Widow One-Shot or Ashe doing Ashe things and spamming dynamite and her shots).

So make that out whatever u want to. Im not on the side of nerfing Mercy.

That Rez cast time is way too much. Taking away headshot boosting (which if you’re correct, I genuinely did not know that was the forumula used) should happen like you say, but I don’t necessarily think she needs much in the way of compensation buffs for that one interaction.

Sniper’s Rifle couldn’t random critical in the first place, i’m talking about Medic’s Kritzkrieg, which in certain situation it may be beneficial to pop it on a Sniper if there is no explosive class, as he can one shot 5 out of the 8 characters in the game without needing to scope in or aim for a headshot.

In the case of Widow, She has a increased headshot multiplier than typical heroes, she has a crit modifier of 2.5x, which the typical headshot multiplier is 2x for everybody else, so Base Damage Times the Crit Modifier, then this is increased by 25% because of Mercy’s Damage Boost on both the base and whatever is the output of the crit modifier, and then added together to get the total amount.

i can understand it being the norm for other characters, but Widow is one of those characters that already has a increased crit modifier, and top that with Mercy’s Damage Boost it can be problematic, and i don’t think Widowmaker should be awarded more than usual with two times Damage Boost for doing something she should’ve been doing in the first place, Damage Boost should just increase the base, not both, because the base is already being increased by Damage Boost, then the crit modifier, then the crit modifier is increased by Damage Boost again.

“I have no idea what this post is talking about” -Ana Amari

w/o actual 1shots why use widow?

you’d be better off with ashe as she has quicker firerate, aoe dmg, and an actual useful ult.

imho best way to fix dmg boosted 1shots is to just not let dmg boost effect atatcks that do high dmg already.

this makes it impossible to dmg boost the top dmg heroes.
means can balance their dmg w/o worry of dmg boost changing it.

means no more babysitting them (helpful for mercy so she can actually heal others)

imho rez is pointless to change at this point.

6 uses a match average isnt gonna change with minor buffs.

Hitscans feel pretty crap right now and you would even go further to nerf them more? Nope

I might just DPS instead of DMG boosting :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t mind it tho

It’s more than that. Some boosts stack additively, such as Matrix, Caduceus, Nanoboost, and Supercharger. Others cannot help but be multiplicative, such as Discord. Still others (headshots) are at the mercy of damage calculation procedures and are currently thereby forced to be multiplicative, but technically could instead be additive.

I’m not sure how I feel about this one. It’s a hell of a Mercy nerf, and reduces skill-gap, but it would relieve some boom or bust feel from the game.

Of course, if that same feeling is turning people off to the game even when Mercy is not present, then we’re clearly targeting the wrong issue: we should be addressing TTK in general, then, not the way damage is calculated to punish Mercy in combination with skilled DPS.

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what’s the point of damage boost then. All you ppl is trying to decrease TTK, while we just got rid of stale double shield meta where nothing dies forever. This is just stupid low elo mindset. Get better at the game already, cheesus…

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Oh god no this would be broken. Rez would have the same cast time as Sombra’s hack.

The cast time should never go lower than 1.5s (currently 1.75s).