✅ Armor = 20% Resistance, & Discord changes

Until you realise that current armor acts like a 50% damage resistance against low damage attacks.

Reaper, Tracer, Hammond damage would go up a lot versus armor.

I have no idea why I interpreted this as adding a 20% addition to its current behavior instead of replacing it, my bad

Wonder how long it would take people to realize what a ValkyrieDamageAmp + Discord fueled Dive could do.

Math :slight_smile:

Dva as well just to add

Fair, I my defense I was playing fetch with my dog when I wrote it.



It wasn’t a jab just making sure everyone got included

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You’re dog is so cute.

Please land me your dog for cuteness reasons.


What kind of dog is that?

You know, if this sort of thing is on the radar anyway, they might as well do a big “health” overhaul when they launch OW2.

Right now we have three different types of health points, three basic types of attacks, and a lot of potential for changing how all of them interact with each other. Right now shields are just hitpoints that regenerate on their own, given time. And armor has it’s current damage reduction. And while all that is fine for the basics of a game upon launch, this is a game that’s supposed to be more interesting than basic shooter elements.

We could look into rebalancing total hitpoints/armor points/shield points on any given character, and change how damage sources interact with them. Maybe, as quick example, beam damage is mitigated by shields rather than being another thing armor protects. Maybe armor only protects from things like explosives and other projectiles, leaving hitscan more or less unphased.

Or do something even more different. Maybe make shields (yes even personal shields) a hard break in the damage of something. Like how a Zarya bubble can block infinite damage so long as it has the 1 hp before it bursts. So a character with a shield, even just 10 hp on that shield, can never be one-shot because you have to shoot off that shield first.

Such a drastic change would necessitate a lot of changes in who has what sort of HP and for how much, which is why I’m saying it’d be more appropriate for the OW2 launch. But doing something different with hitpoints (with these two merely for illustrative purposes) could give a lot more depth to damage interactions, duel dynamics, and leverage for balance potential.

To note, given that no current support can give overshields to another player, it’s not as powerful as it seems plus gives us the opportunity for a fantastic support role

We can even change how healing interacts with health. If we do make drastic changes, maybe we change it so that healing can no longer put shields up (has to be done naturally now). Or give a more severe penalty to healing armor, to make it take longer to recoup. Unless, of course, we have a healer with a specific passive bonus to regenerating the (natural) armor HP of a target…oh let’s say Brig! There’s actually a lot of room for growth in the hitpoints dynamic in this game.

It’s 2020 guys, let’s make hitpoints a bit more interesting than a number in the corner.

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Well, technically not my dog yet, we’ve just been fostering for 3 months, but probably going to adopt.

Kind of a mix between a red nosed pitbull and some sort of smaller dog, like a Rat Terrier

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Incidentally, they already do the flat 20% for Beam weapon damage on armor.

Since they were having issues were tickrate would affect the damage.

So this would actually be simpler and more consistent to do the flat 20% for all damage types.

I guess if they do this type of change, they would have to raise armor HP on some tanks (in exchange for normal HP).

Bastion comes to mind first. Ironclad would need to be heavily nerfed, or removed entirely.

OR they could actually just change the way Dmg Reduc “stacks”. This was noted during 132 Hog, and I think it would go well with this:
Highest Dmg Reduc is taken into effect, the rest are ignored. That means, if you have Ironclad and Nano up, only one takes priority, and that’s the Nano. For the duration of Nano, Ironclad is nonactive

Good lookin pup

Zenyatta doesn’t need to discord through shields, if he could then it would have even less counter play than the likes of Ashe’s dynamite and Ana’s grenade. It already does since you can’t eat it as D.va or Sigma!

Taking away any reasonable possibility of the players being able to keep something in check is bad.

Is McCree over performing in OWL? He’s a high pickrate on ladder but his winrate is the or among the worst… :man_shrugging:t2:

Considering the problem we have is too much covering up of weaknesses, I kinda doubt it.

Less Sustain, and more Brawl would be preferable.

I.e. More Dive/Rush

Less DoubleBarrier and Bunkering

Compositions should have weaknesses, because that’s what makes them counterable.

And that doesn’t make you think there’s a problem with the math behind winrates, that the most picked DPS in a skill tier with an average 56% winrate, has a negative winrate?

I would if others had a similar quirk to them, but other heroes with high pick rates tend to have higher winrates…
My guess is that McCree isn’t really a problem and that he’s a generalist fallback option that comes up wanting at of the time against the mains of what he’s supposed to counter :thinking:

He’s got the 6th lowest pickrate (GM this week)… how do you figure?