Changing armor would definitely help, and I’m all for that. But this is going to be a recurring issue until Blizz steps up and actually addresses balance between high-alpha, burst, and sustain.
Mechanically speaking it’s always best to eliminate your foe as quickly as possible, and minimize exposure at the same time. Game mechanics will always favor this and it’s the developer’s job to make sure any type of burst has serious drawbacks so that it doesn’t become the de facto or only style of play that works. Armor mitigation is one step, but alone it won’t be enough.
Second only to the shotcalling potential of Mercy, really.
Mercy doesn’t need to look in the direction she’s doing work in, and that gives her the unique capability to function as a Human Radar that works 24/7 without compromising her efficiency in doing the rest of her job.
Hell, it’s actually part of her core playstyle: keep your head on a swivel, maintain 360 degeree awareness at all times, see danger coming that would blindside anyone else, and you have a start on not being dead weight as Mercy.
The only way Mercy could get any more suited to shotcalling is if she could see the hp of enemies hit with damage she’s boosted.
We dont need Zenyatta more dps changes! We need more healing changes on him! It is already horrible to heal with a Zen in my team… and especially when I have to protect him as well.
Hard agree. Especially with Brig. Rally would go from a “meh” sustain ability to a legitimate defensive ult.
Overwatch needs more defensive ultimates. Without the second chances they provide, teams are pressured to not to take chances at all - aka the “safe, but boring” comps that everyone’s been complaining about for the last two years.
It would also make healers feel more fun and engaging to play. Overwatch didn’t release with a whole lot of healing at the start, but that was because all of their “burst defense” was in their ultimates. It created a nice ebb and flow to supports, both playing as and against them.
We didn’t start seeing super-cautious metas that were afraid to be out in the open, until having a team-wide “last stand” in your team’s pocket (for when fit hits the shan) was no longer something you could depend on.
I like the concept of burst-resistant health but I don’t know if something recoverable is the best idea for it. Rather than disincentivizing burst damage, it might necessitate it. Clearly it seems better once you consider the impact of what happens when you burst someone through their armor completely and are theoretically “wasting” dps that has been blocked by the armor - but time and time again, dive metas have been killed by healing and healing alone.
I have serious doubts whether or not that would be worthwhile once you consider that a 20% damage reduction equates to 20% more effective healing as you pocket someone with remaining armor vs people who must chip through it.
I’m not saying it’s a terrible idea not worth testing, but rather I’m extremely skeptical of this actually making burst damage less valuable and not the other way around.