♡ Introduce Yourself! ♡

Hey. I’m Xian396. Been playing since after a month of the original release, so I’m fairly ‘old.’

I used to main D.Va, Symmetra, and Mercy all balanced out, but I’ve been borderline onetricking Mercy since I hafta solo-heal all the time :slight_smile: also I tend to switch to Mercy even if we already have 2 healers if I feel that we aren’t getting healed enough or my team is receiving too much damage :frowning:

I don’t have least favorite hero, I love them all :smile: though, if I had to pick one I’d say roadhog, I just suck at landing his hook hahaha

I love King’s Row. So many vantage points. I also like the poppy colors of BlizzWorld. And contrary to popular opinion, I like horizon. Nice place to play widow on defense.

I’m biased to everything Greco-Roman aesthetics. So Winged Victory.
I started to use the forums due my curiosity on the Mercy Rework back when it was announced. Now, I’m here as an escapism from my responsibilities :blush:


Who are you?
Niko, just a chica from Georgia!

How long have you played for?
A few months

Who do you main?
Pharah, D.Va, and Mercy

Why do you main them?
They’re all fun to play and I like having the ability to change heroes in case I need to help adjust the team dynamic.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Probably Mei.

What’s your favorite map?

What’s your favorite skin?
Mercy’s Imp skin

Why do you use the forums?
Mostly to find out information on something if I’m curious or to catch up on news.

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Who are you?
My name is Ukebro! (Because I play the ukulele) I`m an English teacher in Japan

How long have you played for?
Since Summer of 2016 :slight_smile:

Who do you main?
I main Orisa and Zarya! With a little Doom on the side

Why do you main them?
Because someone has to push that payload! haha

Who’s your least favorite hero?
I don`t dislike any hero. Any hero can be annoying to play against when the player is good haha

What’s your favorite map?

What’s your favorite skin?
Genji`s Oni skin :slight_smile:

Why do you use the forums?
I like seeing what members of the community have to say about the current state of the game. I like meeting you all and seeing how passionate other people are about this game.

Nice to meet you all!!!

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I’m TriVenom, a current Moira main who is trying to flex out on the roster

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-Eternity, 21 years old
-Been playing overall since Season 1, but since Season 3 on the account I play on.
-I main the off-tanks (Zarya, D.Va, Roadhog), although I can play Zen I have been interested in picking up Ana too
-I main the off-tanks because I really enjoy being in the frontline without potentially making the mistake of overextending
-My least favorite hero is Hanzo (stupid scatter arrow .-.), but the thoughts of his rework going about are nice to hear about
-My favorite map is King’s Row (honorable mention though to Eichenwalde)
-My favorite skin is Black Cat D.Va (Xuanwu Zarya gets an honorable mention here though)
-I use the forums because I like to see the things that people make within the community.

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Who are you?
How long have you played for?
A year
Who do you main?
Tracer and Zenyatta, with some flexing on Orisa
Why do you main them?
I like shooting things
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Mercy. Not that I don’t like playing for/against her, she’s just caused to much drama imo.
What’s your favorite map?
Horizon Lunar Colony because I love the Winston lore.
What’s your favorite skin?
Kabuki Hanzo? The name might be wrong.
Why do you use the forums?
If I ever feel I suck at the game I can look at people asking for sym nerfs and feel better.

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Who are you?
I’m Ares, known on console as “WarGodAres05”
How long have you played for?
I’ve been playing since January 17, 2017.
Who do you main?
I main Genji.
Why do you main them?
I like the playstyle of Genji and ove ruining the lives of supports. :smiling_imp:

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Mercy and J :joy: K E R A T.
What’s your favorite map?
All the 2CP ones :smile:
What’s your favorite skin?
Oni Genji
Why do you use the forums?
To check out the patch notes and getting involved with the community!

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Who are you?

Sutekh, and I work in IT management.

How long have you played for?

Fairly consistently since the first month of release, though I have had a few brief breaks.

Who do you main?

I can play about half the roster effectively, but I guess you could say my “mains” are D.Va, Moira, Zenyatta and Orisa. I can play basically any Tank or Support , but I am good with Soldier, as well. I am out of practice with Tracer, but I think I can pick her back up in short order.

Why do you main them?

They are fun, and I am very good with them. :grinning:

Who’s your least favorite hero?

Hanzo. I will be glad to see Scatter Arrow go, both because I no longer need to die to it, but because Hanzo teammates should be more consistent.

What’s your favorite map?

King’s Row, but I actually like Watchpoint: Gibraltar and Eichenwalde quit a bit, too. I like Blizzard World for its aesthetics and references but need more time playing the map before I label it a favorite.

What’s your favorite skin?

There are so many excellent skins, especially now, but the top of my “Never change” category is Mercy’s Winged Victory. That is such a unique skin that fits her perfectly, and I don’t really even play her!

Why do you use the forums?

I like to discuss Overwatch with other players as long as the discussions are civil and constructive. I am hoping the revamped forums will help encourage this in the future and am looking forward to it!

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Who are you?
The name’s SpaceCocaine aka Jacob, 18 year old college student
How long have you played for?
I’ve played for nearing 400 hours and since early December 2016
Who do you main?
Moira and Reinhardt at present, poor Lucio was kicked to the curb for me recently thx to Moira outshining him lol, not that I’m complaining!
Why do you main them?
Because Moira isn’t dead weight and an easy kill to flankers, with an accessible skill floor and reasonable skill ceiling, and a level of balance imo that hasn’t been matched for a new hero’s launch before her. I main Rein because he was my first golden weapon and first love; I LOVED the sound design and gameplay of bringing a huge rocket hammer to a gunfight and WINNING.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Probably Hanzo because of Scatter, but lucky me thats gonna be looked at.
What’s your favorite map?
Blizzard World! SOOO MUCH COLOR.
What’s your favorite skin?
Smooooooooooooth Jazzy Luciioooo!
Why do you use the forums?
To get my opinion out there, and see how the community is reacting to news. Specifically how they’re talking about Moira - I’m getting her golden guns soon but I’m afraid all the complaints are gonna nerf her into the floor.

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  • I’m Night! 19 years old
  • I’ve been playing for a year and a couple months
  • I main Tracer/Sombra/Hanzo/All Tanks
  • I main them since they are what I enjoy playing the most and they are what I’m the best at.
  • My least favorite hero is Mercy
  • Favorite is King’s Row but BlizzWorld surely gives it a run for its money lol
  • Cadet Oxton. I just love everything about the Uprising event from the lore to the gameplay to the skins an Cadet Oxton i’d be a loyal supporter of the genius(s)who came up wit that skin.
  • I use the forums because I love Overwatch an I enjoy getting the chance to talk with an help others when dealing with the game ^.^
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I use the forums to complain


Who are you?
How long have you played for?
Since launch
Who do you main?
Why do you main them?
I used to play Quake/UT and reminds me of the play style.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
What’s your favorite map?
What’s your favorite skin?
ASP Pharah
Why do you use the forums?
Look at new updates and report issues.

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Who are you?
Hi, you can call me Saltblizz or “the flippant one.”
How long have you played for?
343+ Hours
Who do you main?
:frog: and :smiling_imp:
Why do you main them?
Moira is bae, and I love hippityhopping around maps, displacing tanks, booping peeps into the void, and just buffing my team.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
It’s either Pharah or Widowmaker.
What’s your favorite map?
I don’t really have one.
What’s your favorite skin?
I don’t have a fav either.
Why do you use the forums?
To see if there are any gud topics.

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Starting off the forums with positivity!

Who are you?
Hi I’m LockerNo2 because apparently # is not allowed in the name

How long have you played for?
I’ve played since 2016 Christmas, bought the game for myself as a present

Who do you main?
Reaper. 210 hrs so far, not even 50 hrs on the next hero

Why do you main them?
Because I can’t aim long ranges. I have hand tremors (pretty rare for someone under 20, but I do have them) so I can’t hold my mouse still. Also, close quarters brawls are just so cool and exciting

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Hanzo, purely due to scatter. Other than that? Genji, because of how bias the devs are to him

What’s your favorite map?
Temple of Anubis or Kings row.

What’s your favorite skin?
Shiver Reaper, but i also like most of the event Tracer skins

Why do you use the forums?
So i can talk to people. I was in a debate team once so I love arguing with others, especially if both parties are rationale

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-Who are you?
My name is Jack and I’m a 15 y/o High School Student

-How long have you played for?
Played in open beta, and non stop since release

-Who do you main?

-Why do you main them?
I like the laid back nature of healers

-Who’s your least favorite hero?
To play, Mercy
To play against, Junkrat

-What’s your favorite map?

-What’s your favorite skin?
Cultist Zen

-Why do you use the forums?
To moan about my issues with the game

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Who are you?
How long have you played for?
Since open beta
Who do you main?
Why do you main them?
In every game I’ve ever played, I always went for the Melee Tank. Something about protecting my friends (and beating my enemies with a hammer) just does it for me!
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Is it a cop out if I say I don’t have one because I like all of the heroes? If I had to pick I’d say I’ve never liked engineer/builder heroes in any game, and this game is really no different. Not a fan of Torb and Symm, but I still think they’re cool.
What’s your favorite map?
Eichenwalde by far.
What’s your favorite skin?
NYXL Rein :wink:
Why do you use the forums?
Because I have a crippling addiction.

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  1. Hi I’m Leo, a 22 y/o plant lover.
  2. I’ve played since Aug 2017, so less than a year :astonished:
  3. My main is Mercy b/c I love to play support but I like to have a main from each category so my mains are:
  • Offense: Tracer
  • Defense: Mei
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Support: Mercy (Obvi)
  1. Mercy is my main b/c is the most healer-y healer in the game.
  2. My least favorite hero is Genji, just b/c I’m bad at using him.
  3. My Favorite map is Ayutthaya b/c its so beautiful with such luscious plant life.
  4. My favorite skin is one I don’t have yet :disappointed_relieved: : Combat Medic Ziegler
  5. The forums is the best way to keep up with what is going on with the game.
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  • I’m Jake, 18 y/o 1st year University Music Technology student.
  • I’ve played Overwatch since closed beta.
  • I’m a Mei main, currently ranked among the top 100 Mei players globally.
  • I main Mei because there’s something so satisfying about chasing people down and freezing them, then staring them coldly and blankly in the face as you press an icicle through their forehead while they’re completely helpless to save themselves.
  • I loathe Junkrat, and Doomfist, to me this pair is the epitome of poor hero design.
  • My favourite map is King’s Row, since every hero has some form of viability on the map, and each section of the map encourages team comps to be changed to account for the difference in layout.
  • My favourite skin is Ecopoint Antarctica for Mei.
  • I use the forums mainly to discuss balance changes.

Who are you?
I’m firehawk, im 16 years old and i have no idea why i even exist,
How long have you played for? Open Beta on console, swapped to pc back in summer of 2017.

Who do you main?
McCree and Roadhog

Why do you main them?
Because i find them fun and they are pretty easy for someone who sucks as bad as i do.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Tracer, no reason needed for that one

What’s your favorite map?
Hanamura is the most aesthetically pleasing, but King’s Row is my favorite gameplay-wise

What’s your favorite skin?
McCree’s new skin because its so stupid i like it.

Why do you use the forums?
Because i have absolutely nothing better to do with my life so instead i spend my time here

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Hi there I’m Slippy the Frog, and I’m the real star of StarFox saga.

I’m a Winston main, because he’s a non-human bad@$$ just like me.

My favorite skin is scuba Winston (the black one).

I’m here to chew bubblegum and talk about stuff, and I have a whole lot of bubblegum.

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