♡ Introduce Yourself! ♡

quote=“Rythix-1790, post:1, topic:108”]
Who are you?

I am a nobody but I want to be a somebody

How long have you played for?

Since Beta c: I just bought a new PS4 though so that my sister could have the one I played the Beta on lol

Who do you main?


Why do you main them?

I feel most connected to her. I love her game play style as well!

Who’s your least favorite hero?

I love them all to be honest xD

What’s your favorite map?


What’s your favorite skin?

D.Va Cruiser~

Why do you use the forums?

I love to interact with all of my fellow players. getting to know them and to see what they have to say always intrigues me and never ceases to amaze me.

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this new forum sucks

Hi Molly. Looking forward to chatting!

Who are you? Just an old grumpy man that loves video games

How long have you played for? Overwatch for 4 months, games in general for 30+ years

Who do you main? I flex as much as I can, love Sym on defense and Dva on offense

Why do you main them? The flexibility each gives to the intended roles

Who’s your least favorite hero? McCree

What’s your favorite map? BlizzardWorld

What’s your favorite skin? Beachrat

Why do you use the forums? Many reasons, to lean new things and keep up to date on proposed change

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Hello fellow people of Overwatch. I’m probably not going to include the format in this post, since it’s already accessible as the first one. Here goes.

I am Breakthru, and as of the time I’m posting this, I am a 14-y/o High School Student.

I have played since the beginning of the Anniversary event.

I currently main Moira, with Roadhog as my backup.

I main Moira because I have a " DPS mindset," but I wish to do something other than DPS. Moira is a great solution for this. Also, she’s fun as heck!

Probably Symmetra (in terms of my skill at her) and Tracer (in terms of being annoying. Sorry, Tracer mains!)

Currently my favorite is Numbani in terms of gameplay, and Watchpoint Gibraltar in terms of prettiness.

My favorite skin is a hard choice, but it’s gotta either be Baihu Genji or Crusader Reinhardt.

I mostly use them for whenever I don’t have much to do. Communicating with you guys is a great way to socialize!

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Who are you? I’m SilentStorm, and I’m a 20 yr old uni student.
How long have you played for? Started playing around the first Christmas event, haven’t stopped since.
Who do you main? Moira, Orisa, and Tracer. Trying to expand my horizon with McCree, Zenyatta, and Dva.
Why do you main them? Personality and playstyle are a big factor when I want to play them.
Who’s your least favorite hero? Genji, mainly because of his deflect and his primary fire.
What’s your favorite map? Oasis or Hanamura. Both are maps that i enjoy winning on but not too favourable in loosing.
What’s your favorite skin? Cadet Oxton.
Why do you use the forums? I use the forums to continue to be involved into the community first hand, so I can be sure I can gather all the info I can before stating things about heroes like “This hero needs attention” or “this is the best designed hero to date”. Also it is fun to meet like-minded people.

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Who are you?
Toe. I don’t do a whole lot besides play this game since I dropped college.

How long have you played for?
Since Halloween 2016. Played for just under 1000 hours.

Who do you main?

Why do you main them?
Really unique hero. Capable of supporting the team and fragging out. Also, wallriding is the best.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
To play? Mercy/Junkrat
To play against? Junkrat, McCree, Widow

What’s your favorite map?
Any KOTH map. KOTH all the way.

What’s your favorite skin?
Captain Amari.

Why do you use the forums?
Mainly to throw in my opinion on game balance that no one asked for.

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Who are you?


How long have you played for?

Since launch

Who do you main?


Why do you main them?

At first it was because I loaded in after everyone else and had to pick a support character (no one picked Zenyatta back then because he had 150 hp and got oneshot by widowmaker bodyshots, which did 150 damage back then, then it got nerfed and no one picked him still because he got popped so easily) but then I got really good at wallriding and stuck with him because he was so fun. Although he’s my main, I am very much so a flex player.

Who’s your least favorite hero?

Mercy. Mass resurrect hide-and-seek left its mark.

What’s your favorite map?

I would say Ilios but I highly dislike the Ruins map so I’ll have to go with Kings Row.

What’s your favorite skin?

Probably the junkenstein and junkenstein’s monster skins (sry for cheating this one, I just like the thing they did with it)

Why do you use the forums?

To give honest feedback to the devs once I noticed how “filtered” a certain portion of the community made the forums.

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I’m a disabled player with cerebral palsy that plays with one hand on PC. Half of my body is paralyzed: I have little control of my left side and I have issues walking.
I never played any fpses before this besides Quake III but I grew attached to this game pretty fast, whether it’s by meming with friends with goofy qp comps or carrying as a tank of Zenyatta in comp.

I try to shotcall a lot to make up for my mechanical disadvantages so I enjoy playing support and tank. King’s Row is my favorite map because I love brawling as a deathball.

I wish I could go to OWL to see the pros or devs and talk about my experiences. It’d be cool to talk to a Blizzard dev irl and thank them for making the first FPS where in which I can compete with others on an equal playing field.

  • I’m Young Squeezy and I am a working professional
  • I’ve played since launch day too
  • I’m trying to be gud at Widow
  • Ever since I watched sick widowmaker plays by Fl0wer, I like Widow. But being realistic, i’ll never be that good. So I end up using Junkrat instead or Torb :stuck_out_tongue:
  • None
  • Watchpoint Gibralter
  • Widowmaker’s beach skin
  • For the dank memes, lulz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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I’m Spartan Roks, or Roks on pretty much any platform,

I’ve played since open beta, (albeit I did take a long break from September 2017 to now)

I dual main Rienhardt and Lucio

I main rienhardt because I fell in love with the battle rien concept being an unstoppable force slaughtering enemies with just a hammer. I main lucio because of the break neck speeds I can achieve with wall ride, and his fast kit that is always available.

I pretty much hate pharahs and dvas, because of their 1D character and game mechanics

My favorite map is Eichenwalde

My favorite skin would have to be either Cyber Hanzo, Jazzy Lucio, or Snow Owl Ana.

I love being in touch with the overwatch community and like to get information first hand.

Who are you?

  • Im Rayshod

How long have you played for?

  • Started around Black friday 2017

Who do you main?

  • Lucio/D.VA

Why do you main them?

  • Liked the International DJ theme and liked her Bunny symbol

Who’s your least favourite hero?

  • i guess i would say Bastion, playing wise.

What’s your favourite map?

  • Chateau Gillard aka widows house(pretty sure thats not how its spelled lol)

What’s your favourite skin?

  • Capoeira Lucio

Why do you use the forums?

  • Mainly just chilling, see others opinions on things.
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Who are you?
I’m LePaC

How long have you played for?
From September 2017

Who do you main?
I like Moira, D.Va and Reaper.
I wish I could main Tracer and Genji too, but a lot of progress is needed with them.

Why do you main them?
I like their skins, voice lines, abilities.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Junkrat. I played him a lot in quick play for the sole reason to learn how to murder him with other heroes.

What’s your favorite map?

What’s your favorite skin?
Genji Baihu.

Why do you use the forums?
To get info on patches, meta, on the game in general.

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Who are you?
OutofMana - your typical support main and 22 y/o fine art student.

How long have you played for?
Uprising. So about a year but this is my alt acc.

Who do you main?
Support roles, trying to learn Ana.

Why do you main them?
(insert quote about how all girls are support mains)

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Hate playing against pharahs and good widows T_T

What’s your favorite map?

What’s your favorite skin?
Black Cat D.va. I don’t really play her but I want more cute skins like this one.

Why do you use the forums?
Curiosity, people make really good points, lots of good conversation and ofc the trolls just make it funny.


Who are you? Just call me Matt
How long have you played for? ummmmmmm a week or two? idk (i had the game for like 3 or 4 months but i couldnt play it (insert comic sans here)
Who do you main? Tracer (try to lol)
Why do you main them? Because she’s more of a simple character with somewhat trolly abilities :nerd_face:
Who’s your least favorite hero? MOIRA (DONT EVEN ASK WHY)
What’s your favorite map? maybe hmmm :thinking: maybe King’s Row?
Why do you use the forums?
this is my first post lol ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYY i mostly just like to look at posts and see what ppl are posting about. :man_shrugging:

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Who are you?
I’m Amelissan. People call me Amel or Mel. Working in middle management - Private Sector.

How long have you played for?
Since Nov 2017

Who do you main?
MERCY and a little bit of D.Va

Why do you main them?
I love to heal and I think Rez is a fascinating ability. It’s also interesting to have a bird’s eye view of DPS & Tanks overcoming challenges or failing miserably in the process.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
Genji in Comp (although I secretly play him in QP), Reaper in Comp (hate him so much)

What’s your favorite map?
Horizon Lunar Colony and Hanamura

What’s your favorite skin?
Zhuque (Mercy), Bai Hu (Genji), Officer (D.Va)

Why do you use the forums?
Initially, I came here to voice out my grouses pertaining to Mercy’s sledgehammer nerf. My fondness of this forum is gradually increasing day by day.

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Who are you?
Hi I’m Gary
How long have you played for?
I’ve played Overwatch since a couple of months after release, but I missed the beta and some early play because my family and I moved.
Who do you main?
I’m a huge D.Va fan and while I used to play her exclusively, I’ve begun to branch out. Still and all, I’m really only good at tanks and supports, so I try not to go into the DPS category except in some special circumstances.
Why do you main them?
At first I tried out about half the heroes, but D.Va gameplay during the Season 2 era was tons of fun and I felt unstoppable. Plus, I could get my mech back and not be ‘dead’; waiting to respawn is the most infuriating part of any game!
Who’s your least favorite hero?
That’s hard to say, because I think they all have their place, but if forced to choose: Mercy. I just got so sick of playing her in the ‘Mercy Meta’ that I have no desire to do so again for quite some time.
What’s your favorite map?
Probably Volskaya, because I can play Symmetra on defense without being chewed out by my team before the game even starts.
What’s your favorite skin?
Before OWL it was Carbon Fiber D.Va, but not it’s anyone with an Outlaws skin!
Why do you use the forums?
I really only read 2 things: Patch notes and blue posts, so I’m super stoked for som of the new forum features!

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Who are you?
Hey my name is Paulo, I am 28 years old and I am a Brazilian content creator on YouTube and I’m addicted to Overwatch.
How long have you played for?
Right now I have 1900 hours of Overwatch and level 2022 (yeah, I really love the game). :relaxed: I started playing in Open beta.
Who do you main?
I main ZARYA MOTHER RUSSIA :muscle:t3: My most played heroes are Zarya, Hanzo, McCree Genji and Ana.
Why do you main them?
Everything in Zarya is awesome, I don’t know how to explain her, you have to play and the moment you save someone important or win the game with a 5 man grav, you will understand.
Who’s your least favorite hero?
Mercy and D.VA
What’s your favorite map?
Hollywood, Ilios, Eichenwalde and Kings Row
What’s your favorite skin?
Both Zarya summer games skins, Lucio summer games skins and Blackwatch McCree.
Why do you use the forums?
I like to get involved with the community when I like a game. I hope we can have a healthy discussion about the game in the new forums.

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I’m a dude with the Btag name parker.

I’ve played since Launch.

I main Junkrat.

Cause he’s fun and I love his aggressive play style.

Least favorite is Mercy.

Favorite map is Kings Row.

Favorite Skin is Junkenstein or Graffiti Tracer.

I use the forums to talk?

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Who are you?
I’m Jasmine. I’m 29 and I like cooking, gaming, cats, and art.

How long have you played for?
Played since October 2015 Closed beta.

Who do you main?
Uhm… M-Mercy. Also Ana, Widowmaker, and Zarya are in my Top 4.

Why do you main them?
I like healing. As a healer main from WoW and in general, healer classes are my favorite. I also have a pleasure in killing people long range so that’s why I love Widowmaker and then Zarya cuz I wanted to get good at a tank and she’s my favorite of the tanks.

Who’s your least favorite hero?
I wouldn’t say I have a least favorite hero, but I think either Doomfist or Moira have my least time played right now. I don’t remember which. I like both of them, I’m just… not good at Doomfist (plus buggy) and I’m not that great with Moira.

What’s your favorite map?
I love all the control point maps, especially Lijang and Illios. I’ll usually pick Lucio, Orisa, Roadhog, or Pharah depending hehe. I like to knock people into holes.

What’s your favorite skin?
I have so many :frowning: so for my top 4 mains: Mercy’s Witch, Ana’s Owl (was Merciful,) Widowmaker’s Nova (was Huntress,) and Zarya’s Sonya skin (but I use Frosted since I don’t have that one yet)

Why do you use the forums?
To get updates from the devs, to see if people are having similar experiences as I am in game, and to try and make friends and help out if someone has a problem!

Hello everyone! :slight_smile:

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