★ PSA: All the ExC changes just went live (Reasons included) Except 1 (Sym 4 second buff didnt make it)

“All discussions for or against these changes must focus solely on their impact to owl and it’s viewership, as well as any impact they may have on Bobby Ks wallet. Let’s stay on target people.”

Quote from some random mgr at Actiblizz.


whereas genju can get 4 buffs in one patch


If they are making the game worst for owl then dont support it. Stop watching owl!!!

I mean most people HAVE already lolol


yup im one and so all my friends that used to play this game, hope more follow. So they can finally fix this mess of a balace.

I’m still enjoying OWL :v:.

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Well, I’ve been hanging on this long in hopes that tanking in this game begins to feel better.

Oh, and Pharah nerfs too. I don’t really understand how one DPS who was performing okay gets 4 buffs in one patch, while another who is underperforming is 1 step forward and then one step back.

Well, whatever. Now is the point where I abandon all hope. I give up.

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In the Seinfeld season 8, episode 20, “The Millennium”, George Costanza is trying to get fired from his job at the Yankees. But, he is locked in a contract! The only way out of it is to get fired.

So, George starts pulling dumb stunts around the workplace in an effort to get fired so he can move on to a better job. After each attempt fails, George gets more and more brazen with pulling dumb stunts to get himself fired. After each failure, George is still amazed he still has a job with the Yankees. But he resolves to “pick himself back up, dust himself off, and throw himself back onto the ground” again and again until something gives and the Yankees fire him.

It’s a very funny episode and definitely worth a watch.


I’m glad. I’m just hoping this doesn’t turn into another Rein meta. I’ve been enjoying monkey and ball casually lately

lmao now theyre just doing this to spite sym mains

true. sigma is not even close to main tank now and tbh i dont think he is better than hog for off tank either.

I’m glad the Sym change didn’t go through. I’m going to interpret this to mean that they’re working on something better for her.

i think it’s because the double-shield meta has been so dominant in higher elos they had to butcher both tanks, ignoring the effects on players diamond and bellow (which is MOST of the player base).

the only tank i was willing to play was orisa cause her still shield and low but ranged damge felt the most like “tank”. now it’s only rein and im terrible at him too omg ;_;

Brig, Orisa, and Zen changes good
Roadhog and Pharah changes bad
Symmetra changes meh as teleporter is mostly used as a cheesy gimmick
Sigma changes good but bad for me personally as he is fun to play but keeps getting weaker.