★ Official funeral for Brigitte Lindholm (Age 23)

Jesus, DanGotHeals really wasn’t joking when he said nearly everyone on the forums was a Brigitte or Moira main.

I don’t know why people are making such a fuss about this, Brigitte is fine.


Nerfing characters so they aren’t broken doesn’t mean they are weak though, and having a good power balance also doesn’t mean everything has to be the same.

Overwatch has a few problem characters that stick out. These characters should be nerfed, not others buffed to their level. That would make the game way too crazy.


Let every hero be overpowered, then no one is. That’s how I look at game design. I see it as a riot vs. valve philosophy.

Moreover, what’s broken? What’s not? I don’t think anybody has any objective concrete ideas about it.


Any hero is getting a funeral at the 19 nerf mark


She was still one of the best supports after 17 nerfs.


Pickrate/winrate really isn’t the only thing in the world that matters


Thanks for that healthy reminder list of all the nerfs that happened. I didn’t realize that the state of the character before today (aka her being absolutely meta at the highest level of play) was after 16 nerfs, whew. Really makes you think how badly designed a character has to be for that to ever happen.

But jokes aside, you guys will survive. Brig’s still very much playable and will fit her original niche of giving flankers a hard time, without fitting or enabling other unintended niches.


Brig was definitely broken on release, Sigma was definitely broken on release, Bastion was definitely broken when he got Ironclad initially

What’s broken and what isn’t broken is pretty obvious when something is broken.

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I really want to make sure people don’t gloss over it

The thing is, people and esp non Brig players tell us this every single time she gets double-nerfed, over and over and over. At some point I stopped renewing my hope, can you blame me?

She’s gonna probably get another double nerf in 2 to 3 months and I’ll necro this topic, and so on until the end of the game’s lifespan


Can’t wait to have a meta where we’ll only have animal characters for the entire team.

It is often comforting to impugn people with whom one disagrees. It also fosters an environment of self-sealing. “These people are Brigitte and Moira mains, and what Brigitte and Moira mains say are wrong, so therefore these people are wrong because they are Brigitte and Moira mains.” It’s a common enough approach.

At the risk of being label a Brigitte or Moira main, I think it is clear that the nerfs are heavy-handed.


gotta love how this interaction makes absolutely no sense anymore:

  • Brigitte : Papa, what do you think of my armor?
  • Torbjörn : Not bad, not bad! I’m glad you let me add a lil’ something to it.

or these two voice lines when healing people:

Take some armor!
Armoring you up!

[quote=“Taiga-12157, post:30, topic:521297”]
The thing is, people and esp non Brig players tell us this every single time she gets double-nerfed, over and over and over. At some point I stopped renewing my hope, can you blame me?[/quote]

My point isn’t to blame anyone. Can’t say I’m a Brig main, that’s for sure, but as a support main I still happen to play Brig under some circumstances. First thing I did when the experimental card came up was go play a few games on Brig to see where her limits are now and if it made sense with what the devs are trying to achieve.
It’s almost surreal for a character to receive that many nerfs and still be viable, and yet… I’m positive this is the case. I’m not trying to force my opinion on you, much less blame you for feeling bad about the nerfs, but I do hope that after a few hours of playing the character you’ll come to think she’s still worth playing, though maybe having to be played a bit differently.

edit: huh, not sure what happened with that quote, but eh.

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ok, they removed armouring you up, and brigitte is wearing armour.

Did they actually remove the voiceline?

Thought Armouring you up was a torbjorn line, my bad.

I thought that was why it wasn’t bold.

Oh sorry the bottom two lines are brigette when giving out armor

To be fair, she’s still repairing the damage so it still kind of makes sense.

not exactly, she’s not armoring them up shes repairing them

and “take some armour” makes zero sense now


Did he ever go out of picture though ?