★ Dear devs: level borders, whats the plan?

That will never change. Be a silver border in GM and people will say silver border hard stuck in GM (not top 500).
Be a lvl 150+ in plat and it’s, you’re not lvl 50 and hard stuck in plat…

People will be people.

I want the current level system to remain as an option. I’m eyeing that awesome diamond border.

Borders are cosmetic though, and it should be fine allowing for different ones to be equipped. If anything it’s something else they can add to the loot boxes for their microtransactions.

The people who want hidden playtime are happy, the people who want to flaunt it are happy, blizzard gets another revenue incentive. It appears that everyone wins.

It be cool if They add a GrandMaster border. I wonder what that would look like

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The only thing I want is a boarder that shows you this person is new. Like u unlock other options after say at levels 20, 40 etc. So that you know the person is a possible smurf/new in a game, and leave.

I can see them going the Heroes of the Storm route, and having borders you can choose from similar to how you can change your avatar.

Right? Like, I don’t wanna grind for gold border and higher, just to get some poor compensation change in 2.

Should really just be removed because they don’t show anything particularly important, and are a target for people to pick from.

It shows the time commitment and dedication you’ve put into the game, and that’s very important for some people

Eh, important to the person who has it maybe.

I couldn’t care less if the delete them, that i way i shall never again hear “silver border hard stuck in diamond”

Good riddance.

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When you see a high level player but in gold tier or silver tier game, what do you think?

Levels are useless and counterproductive.

That they’ve played a good amount of time. I don’t automatically start being toxic and insulting them. That’s the person’s problem who thinks like that, not Blizzard’s

I dont want account levels removed. Every game even remotely close to this genre has this system or one like it

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probably not, i’m sure when ow2 releases its going to be a massive update to both games since it isn’t a true sequel

I agree with you, but the way people insult devs on here, especially on their own posts, i understand why they don’t. :confused:

I wish there was a sub-forum called “Ask the Devs!” where we could ask questions or give respectful feedback on stuff.

It’s Blizzard’s.

People are toxic. You played the game and you should know that. Honestly, I highly doubt you are not feeling anything when you see a high level player performs badly.

There is no need for levels or how long you have been played. If you want that they can easily give some skins just for (multiple)aniversary players. But I just don’t see what 's the point of such one direction leveling system.

I just wish that they let us hide it.

It’s tiring to have people judge you based on your border as if rank and border level are the same thing.

Guys, I am not Grandmaster. I am as casual of a player as they come. Don’t rely on me to carry you and then cry when we lose. You are only wasting your energy, lol.

Everyone doesn’t think like that. If I see a diamond border player make a mistake, then I go “huh they made a mistake.”

I don’t immediately begin acting negative towards them; that’s a trait of a toxic person, and again, not the fault of the leveling system’s design

I want hero themed borders (although people would bully you for your border (not only the level but also for the hero play (which you do not play but like lorewise only (but they dont know this.)))

Yea…sounds great… people ruin everything…even in imagination :roll_eyes:

hope it’s some cool skins, but gold border golden gun wouldn’t make sense lol a diamond or plat skin would be ballin.

The current border system we have was essentially copied over from Diablo 3.

In Diablo 3, your hero gets stronger as it gains levels.

In Overwatch, people play all sorts of modes and heroes and level is meaningless.

It was a dumb decision from the start.

I doubt I’ll play a lot of OW2 if there is no leveling system anymore. At worst case might just not buy it at all.

You can flaunt long comp playtime with tons of golden guns and high rank with animated sprays. Let us casuals flaunt too!