“Threw” because I didn’t pocket as mercy

I’m going to tell you a secret. The Dps player who keeps crying and demanding a pocket is usually the player who has 0 idea what they are doing and feel like they need to be pocketed 24/7 to be relevant in the game.
I always tell them, if you aren’t able to get value outside of pocket then you don’t deserve to be pocketed. They can cry and scream at me all they want it still won’t change the fact that they are just mad because they are bad. It’s one thing to ask for a pocket but it’s another thing to demand one.

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Mercy isn’t a main heals. Pocketing isn’t fun / super viable though. The best way to play mercy is to damage boost strong abilities. Alter between damage boosts and use gamesense to know when your teamates will use those cool downs

Supports that outheal mercy: brig, Ana, Moira, bap,


i mean its understandable for someone to get mad when they dont get pocket because that literally is the only reason why mercy even has a higher pick rate atm. even in pro play you have amazing mercy players that can carry as solo heal but are just stuck holding m2 on their highest dps output. its just the meta but most dps rn dont really need it (like Tracer and other self sustain dps). But the more support reliant dps (like Hanzo, Genji, Mccree, Ashe) will need to have a Mercy to be able to out-perform the opposing dps if they have a pocket. just how the character is played. she’s more of an off healer in this state of the game while bap ana moira are the top dog healers.

Tank main btw

This backwards mentality is why I skipped past the rest of your post. You do know that the main difference between the PC version and the console version is just the input devices, right? You also do know that you can use a controller on the PC as well, right? If you think that there is some skill or game sense difference between PC players and console players you are gravely mistaken.

Anyways OP, you took the right stance, no support is to latch on to one other player the either match, leaving the other support to take care of the rest of the team. You just have to juggle the boosting/healing for the team, which due to Mercy’s movement and abilities, she can do very well.

It’s just a typical case of lousy teammates looking for any excuse to blame the loss for, rather than make a proper assessment which includes their own performance.

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Babysitting one character the whole game is my most hated playstyle - particularly with a character who is often oblivious to your existence during the fight except if they die. Absolutely hate it. Constantly swapping between healing/damaging heroes while always being on the move is what makes Mercy fun at least to me.


I will check it out, I made a post a while back as well but my position has changed a bit from then. Ill link it if you want to take a look. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/yet-another-mercy-thread/355676

It isnt actually, the game is balanced very differently and whats viable on console may not be viable on PC and vice versa. Widowmaker and Ana are nowhere near as respresented on console than on PC.

And doing so is putting you at an objective disadvantage which is why the developers do not want console to have mouse and keyboard integration.

Then I guess I am mistaken, because I vehemently disagree.

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I’m sorry to hear your negative experience.

I feel I can relate and get down on your level (except for I’m not that high of rank nor do I really like playing comp period.)

I hate pocketing. I distain other mercy that do it to a point of ignoring other people on your team.

It’s boring and I hate being told what to do and how to play. I like to distribute my love how I see fit.

It wasn’t your fault your team lost from what you just described.

Your not alone my friend.

I wish they wouldn’t allow her beam to break when popping valk. It would be a great QoL buff.

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Dang man, that’s such a terrible take that you got the whole club laughing at you. Guessing you’ve never played Heals in your life.

I play support. I can see how people can think its the same thing.

The only balance changes between console and PC are that Torb and Sym turrets do slightly less damage. They did that like in the first year of Overwatch and to me was completely unnecessary. So you saying that the game is “balanced very differently” just confirms what was clear from the start - you have no idea what you’re talking about. That goes for your other two points as well.

When I said balanced differentlty I wasnt even talking about those changes which I wasnt even aware of. I’m talking about the use of different heroes and what is viable or not.

I can see how you havent been able to refute that point, so I have to think that you intentionally tried to misinterpret what I meant as a way to find a way to counter argue what I am saying.

I could say the same about you but I’m not since it adds nothing to a discussion, much like your last point;

I mean you can say that, just like how you can say birds dont exist, but there is factual evidence that proves my point.

Theres a reason pro players would never use a controller when they have a mouse and keyboard. And why the devs dont want to make mouse and keyboard integration into console.

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I’d rather lose by muting the bullies and communicating with voicelines than by conforming to their desires so THEY can continue playing how they enjoy playing at the expense of your own enjoyment and losing anyway.

If they want a Baptiste… then they should have queued for Healer. :man_shrugging:t2:

Healing is the primary thing support does, yes. And no, playing Mercy as Pocket is playing her wrong, she’s best when she’s using her sustained heals to keep the team up during firefights.

dps like that are so annoying, and newsflash, if ur mercy is throwing by not pocketing you? and that’s keeping you from getting any value? maybe ur just bad at whatever dps ur playing?
I’ve had people cry and cry for me to pocket them and I do, 5 minutes later “damage boosted: 345” doesn’t seem like a mercy issue there

Lucio and Zen’s primary usage isn’t healing, theres a reason the role is called support and not heals.

Pocketing as Mercy is the optimal way to play her as other supports have better sustained healing. I find it a very boring way to play her however.

Objectively wrong. Playing her like that is best done by other heroes such as Baptiste, Moira, and Ana, all of which have more usage and in the case of Baptiste and Ana superior utility.

There is no reason to pick Mercy unless you are not able to play those heroes effectively.

Mercy’s healing is inferior and her lack of of damage output when not making use of damage boost (and even accounting for it) is pretty low.

Mercy can certainly pump out more healing over the course of a game due to the consistency but numbers do not give the whole story.

A widowmaker can often have no damage medal at all but be the carry because of getting the picks.

Like I mentioned, you can definitely play Mercy as a main healer in lower ranks but playing her like one in higher ranks is just a form of soft throwing.

Overwatch allows you to swap heroes in the middle of a game to give you the ability to play optimally or what you like.

You can play Mercy however you want. But objectively speaking, playing her like a main healer rather than prioritizing damage boost is playing sub-optimally.

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I only “Pocket” who I see is getting value on the kill feed.
And if one of my teammates are in trouble I will instantly GA to them if I know I won’t die doing so to save them, then go right back to my “Pocket”.

No point in damage boosting a hitscan with potato aim.

Wdym its console so it shouldnt matter. lol