“It’s just qp”……

Now I’m more new to the OW community so I just always played quick play. I thought that was the main mode ? Why do people say stuff like “chill it’s just quick play” or “it’s just qp”- sounds like people are demeaning qp and talking like being good at quick play is not a flex? I’m average- above average at qp but not good enough for comp yet. Is qp for noobs?


Because they are players who keep losing so much that instead of having the positive mentality to thrive for the better of the whole team’s, and by that their own, interests and enjoyment of the gameplay to reach the purpose/goal of the game which is winning (or at least getting better at the game over time so you win more against tougher opponents); they instead setup themselves for an inevitable defeat with the mentality of trolling, because they’re afraid the loss would hurt way more if they didn’t do it


you will see more #### than this in future so be ready .
most of time dps who cant aim .
but i will advice you because you are new dont write anything on chat peaple can false report you.

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Oh so basically act like the loss doesn’t hurt but it does lol. But still people even say it if they’re winning and maybe the opp team is salty. I just don’t get it. It makes me feel like being good at QP isn’t a flex and if I can’t do crap in competitive mode I have no skill

It is the age we’re living in.
Everyone is right and everyone else is wrong.
It is always someone else’s fault
Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee

The list goes on…


yeah be careful don’t ever write on chat otherwise they will ban/silence you after xx amount of reports.
their ban system is automatic be carefull.
I know your feeling when you have bad teammate who play sniper and never land shot whole match but sadly we cant talk on chat.

Yeah exactly. These are the players who do absolutely nothing for the team and die off cooldown 12 times in a row without ever considering changing what they’re doing to help the team being fully aware that they’re trolling, but then get butthurt when their teammates troll the game too and give them the same treatment

That’s what we call lowkey flexing. By rolling and smoking the opponents and saying that you’re just bing chilling you establish dominance over them by implying that you’re so good you don’t even have to put in the effort to crush them. Or someone is just being mad and they want them to chill down

If you’re good in QP, you’re good in comp. They may be different in nature, but once you get to the highest MMRs your QP matches will be a lot like comp games are, just without the constant communication unless there’s a stack involved in which case they will most likely do comms too. However the game is really dead so the matchmaking is extremely random too so you’ll have to have a high MMR stack to get these games because otherwise the game will just give you horrible teammates as a compensation for you being good since handicapping is a thing in OW

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QP is essentially that….let me get a quick game of OW……what that means to everybody is going to be different so it’s going to be a jumble of people who don’t necessarily treat it the same way though….

And certain people want to take it super seriously but unfortunately you can’t guarantee everyone will agree with you….

At the end of the day it is “just QP”


Qp is the place to practise heroes and where you don’t have to sweat the game, ‘just chill’. Some people just want to play to relax, it’s not always to win - it is nice to win, just not their main goal, which is to have fun


No, don’t let anyone tell you that. QP is pretty much just Casual Mode, it’s not meant to be taken seriously. There really isn’t a main mode. Competitive is the most played mode in Overwatch, and when people rage in QP, that’s why people say “it’s just QP.” You don’t need to be a GOD in order to be good at the game.


Most of the time people say it when they get flamed in a QP game.


OW is dead ? O.o srsly ?

Because elitists have been placing Competitive Play on a pedestal for so long that the average player has adopted their warped mentality that only Comp matters and everything else is just for goofing off.

It also makes for a convenient scapegoat for bad players to write off the fact that they aren’t being team players and are essentially throwing the match.


QP is meant for more casual play than competitive.

I don’t think “it’s just QP” excuses anything and everything, but if people are raging about somebody wanting to practice whatever character then they’ll probably get hit with a “chill, it’s just QP”.

It’s fair to expect that people will generally put in some kind of effort to win the match, but if somebody is one to get mad about their team not try harding then they should be in competitive.


THIS. agreed :relieved::relieved:!! It’s not for goofing off to me.

I play Overwatch Quickplay Classic and Quickplay to practice new heroes and try new things. Explore the map and just get some “pew pew” in.

As gamers, we like PEW PEW, which is why we play in the first place.

Lights, flashes, explosions, loud blasts, action, adventure, etc.

Quickplay CLASSIC and Quickplay are really just that. They reward people some points for playing the mode and then hand you a lootbox at the end of your level. So there isn’t much of a REWARD (if any) for playing a match. Other than 10 minutes of fragging, a Play of the game, and then some goofy “victory” or defeat screen. Basically. A video game experience.

There is a large group of players out there, that REFUSE to play the OTHER MODE which is called Competitive mode. Which DOES offer some extra stuff, as well as ACTUAL ranking of their ability. However, because of ALT_SMURFFS that exist (players that buy alternative accounts to circumvent ranking, or were banned for their bad behavior). Most people that are of HIGH SKILL. No longer feel as though the ranked system is FAIR (including me).

However… There is an issue in Quickplay and that is the people that are normally there are for the PEW PEW, and the other group which is all about hard-core winning, are teamed up with their friends and wanting to stomp people for GLORY and winning.

So this becomes a problem.

1 group says “I don’t care, I just want to play for fun”.
#2 group says “i want to WIN no matter what, and flex and build comps, so people better NOT play the game for fun, but serious bizness”.

So in reality. This creates a phrase called "its QP WHO CARES?!’ Because its to chide anyone that thinks that Quickplay matters, because it does NOT. :smiley:

In less than 10 minutes, the match concludes, and the next team will either be better or worse than the last team, always, no matter what.


To elaborate, this is QP


Basically, someone is telling everyone how to play. They wanted to play like in competitive. One guy essentially said something along the lines of “it’s just QP.” This next pic was a few minutes later.


The people that ended up on the payload the most were the “throwers”. The tryhards were still trying to get the team to group up, the yolos were all over the place.

It’s chaotic, everyone just goes their own way, everyone has their own idea of how to play, everyone plays heroes that have no synergy and they certainly don’t pick meta comps. People complain about this, so we then reply “It’s just QP”.

I’m a Sombra main, you seriously think i’d be able to play her if i keep appeasing everyone to pick a more meta hero?

Back when profiles were still public by default, if you were to check their profiles you’ll find that most QP players don’t play the same heroes as Competitive. It’s common for them to be playing heroes that aren’t in their top five, it’s not even uncommon for played heroes to not be in their top ten. They play heroes that they actually find fun, or wanted a break from their competitive duties.

I once had a game where i ended up soloing an entire team. That happiness kinda turned into disappointment when i looked at their profiles and found that five of them were Mercy mains trying to emulate a meta comp. The sixth was a Zenyatta main on a Zenyatta which was probably why he was the one actually doing any work. I’m sure if the Zen had complained, the other five would say “It’s just QP”

You want a tip on how to get good games in QP? At the end of a game, invite players you found to be working well with into your group and keep building up that group as player leave. You end up with teams that are usually stronger than premade as you’ll be playing with a really strong synergy (i.e. you all think and play the same so no comms needed) as opposed to just being acquaintances.

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You should add me and play with me whenever :slight_smile: and thanks.

People don’t usually just say that out of nowhere.

It’s usually in response to someone being an a$$ isn’t it? :man_shrugging:

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It depends on the situation. Sure, you shouldn’t take QP to serious.

But sometimes I feel the need to reply:
“Yeah, it’s QP and not (team-)deathmatch, so pls focus on the objective and not on kills.”