“HaMmOnD iS bAd FoR tHe GaMe”

Why would i play that useless hero?

Yes, because Ashe is a human being with a personality, not a boring hamster.

I play tanks and I agree with that one

Actually they’re right and he really is a bad design despite being genuinely fun.
The big issue is when you put mobility and CC on the same hero as seen by Doomfist, makes them way too feast or famine and the gameplay turns into who can CC the other first wins. Not to mention immobile heroes get absolutely screwed by the mobility + CC combo.

I was just afraid because of your icon that you said something unfathomably hypocritical. Good to know.

It’s mostly Ball and Doomfist. Zenyatta has 100% no way to defend himself against them. Either teammates bail him out or he dies.

Nah, I just like the demon hunter icon.

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You expect one Soldier to counter Pharmacy?
You’re joking right :laughing:

It takes two to counter two. Either you need a second hitscan, or a Zen/Ana.
The only hero who can solo shut down Pharmacy is Widow, and that’s only if the player is exceptionally consistent.

It was not one soldier, he also had a mercy with him as I asked our Lucio to switch. But the Mercy ended up pocketing our Ashe instead of toxic soldier lol

What the hell kind of dumb observation is that? If the Zenyatta player has one or two neurons, Zen actually counters Ball and not the other way around. A decent Zenyatta is a pretty solid counter to any unshielded tank actually, from Ball to Hog to D.va as long as the Zenyatta is at least semi-decently positioned and not completely isolated from the rest of his team.

I think Wrecking Ball is actually the most balanced of all the heroes added after launch, aside from Ashe. While Wrecking Ball is very good at delivering CC, he is extremely vulnerable to it. The only part of him I could see being possibly slightly overtuned is his Piledriver.


Lmao I went through a very similar situation yesterday. Almost identical actually.

DPS whining to me about Pharah. I’m Rein. What the f*** do you expect me to do against Pharah as Reinhardt, mate? Do you want me to fly? Stop shielding the team to throw a firestrike on her?

They blame everyone they can except themselves for their own lack of competence.

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:rofl: ye right ill let you counter ball at will

I’m not a sniper main and I don’t think a hero who is invincible without stuns and hard countered instantly with them is good for the game.


I’d say the opposite. Hammond AND his mech have way more personality than just some angry cowgirl.

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Funny, I can turn your logic around and tell you:

You’re just upset cuz you know Hanzo and Widow are OP instakill busted nearly uncounterable (and in Hanzo’s case, actually uncounterable) heroes and everybody finds them kill joys except the people who play them.

Nothing is great like making people send you hate mail as Wrecking Ball. Squeaky Squeak Squeak


“My daddy wasn’t here so I gots ta do crimes!” is not a personality trait.
Hammond and his mech each have a distinct voice and personality, BOB has more personality than Ashe.


I have no problem with Wreckingball as long as they don’t complain about current Mei. No WB player has the right to cry about Mei or Sombra shutting them down.

And even on a mechanical standpoint Ashe is extremely boring.

Throws dynamite, has Hanzo’s leap but locked backwards, and just took Torbjorn’s Molten Core and made it BOB.

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