“ Levels don’t equal skill “

What about Tetris?

Obviously. It’s even worse if they are higher level (specifically gold/plat/diamond borders). That means they are hard stuck and haven’t fixed a mistake they have been making for a long time.

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I still remember the gold border (and silver/gold rank) Winston in Season 9
or 10 on Anubis raging, that nobody is pushing in.

Meanwhile he’s suiciding alone in Anubis against a Bastion.

He actually learned BAD habits and he absolutely thought he was doing his job.

Not true at all, at least a half false statement right there.

Levels really dont reflect anything at all. Its just a visage on top of the actual problem which is how the SR is calculated and leveled out.

SR has boosted gain/loss SR growth on all new accounts up to a certain point until it can create a median plain. It comes down to basic pre algebraic math. This is kind of ironic considering your BattleTag name.

i.e. If you play a required 50 games for it to balance your skill level to where it thinks you should be starting at, it will average your stats out and consider your starting point at 0. Now if you know your math, you would know that the game is constantly trying to find your mean average, even as you climb, try to climb, or fall. It also has a contradictory system of the close to forced 50/50 winrate that shifts other positive and negative variables (other players that add multipliers) to your SR boost/penalty. You also have Wins and Losses (more losses than wins per forced system and/or “bad” players) that are an uncontrollable variable. You cannot truly say that a “Hardstuck” player who could probably have played near perfectly, be the cause of his SR Loss if his TEAM lost a match. 1 player cannot carry 5 other players on his team (unless hard cheating or smurfing but that is more like carrying 2-3 players).

The more games you end up playing, the harder it is to move. But when you come across someone who has 5+ alts and say its easy to climb to anything Diamond and higher, I bet you anything they never or rarely play any account that has gone past Bronze Border. They are flooding and exploiting the system. I have only one account, and dont need any other accounts.

Players like you coming up with that hardstuck logic are among the toxicity environment of this game.

Literally had one of these exact same Winston’s little over 2 weeks ago. Kept complaining too about no pushing and no heals. I think I was a healer on Anubis that match and its very hard to heal someone not in LOS, behind double shields and jumping behind walls you cant target around…

What it’s as simple as: how long have you been stuck in that rank.

If you have been stuck in Platnium for 26 seasons and played 200+ games for a few of the seasons (not even joking found someone like this) that means you are hardstuck.

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You’re trying to imply how people can get unlucky with teammates but that’s not true at all. If you are truely supposed to be a certain rank, you will climb. It’s that simple. It is not possible to play “nearly perfectly” and be that unlucky that you have been stuck in Gold-Plat for Over 16 Seasons and playing over 100 games.

I’m not saying unlucky games are impossible; you will get them here and there as it is a team game infact. But if you steadily improve, duo queue with somewhat reliable people to lower your chances of getting unlucky games, you will climb.

I was worried for a second, but thankfully I know it’s not me because I mute chat and voice when playing Winston :grin:

You are completely ignoring that some people have natural talent and actual potential. Others were screwed from the start and struggle to be average.

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If a hardstuck player played near perfectly, then the chances of his team losing the match is really low. That is, if we consider near perfectly to a T500 standard.

It is easy though. If you’re better than your rank you can climb regardless of border. That’s all there is to it. The only reason people don’t climb is because, well, they’re not good enough.

Or the fact players like you ignore the fact its a team based game and the other 5 players on your team at the variable of performance.

This game shows how flawed that is. But there is no convincing you guys because youre egotistical.

But the only constant is you, unless you’re an inconsistent player. Of course there will be unwinnable games, but at the same time there are unlosable game. The fact that you think people can’t climb makes no sense, otherwise I, currently a 3.3k player, would be stuck in like, plat. I hit 3002 two days ago at my lowest but I’m back at 3.3 where I’ve spent the majority of the season. If what you’re saying is true, then I wouldn’t be able to get back.

There’s no convincing you because you’re simply unwilling to accept your skill level. You’re not better than your rank. It’s as simple as that. I peaked 3.8 and I still think I’m better than diamonds, after all I used to smurf in diamond easily. The truth is, after I quit the game and came back I’m just hardstuck because I’m just not that good anymore. The system isn’t holding me down, I’m just completely washed up.

What’s your rank and where do you think you deserve to be?

At no point was I saying I should or should not be at my skill level. You are assuming things. I accepted where I am at because I am staying true to holding 1 account since launch and not exploiting the system to get around the median.

EDIT - added another shill for the ignore list

Then what’s the issue here? I’ve got multiple accounts but there’s nothing being exploited there. They’re all the same SR lol (or at least close to it).

Edit: seems like we’ve found another child on these forums sigh

Edit 2: I am genuinely confused by this guy’s argument

Level does not equal skill… This is fact whether you like it or not! You can have all the map knowledge and still feed your brains out…

You can have thousands of hours in this game and still have bad aim! Source: me… My hitscan is average at best and you won’t climb on game sense alone. Especially in role queue.


Because most people in top 500 are probably bronze borders with 1 or 2 stars. Funny how we say that for anyone with a plat or diamond border but ignore the fact that many in higher rankers are low levels. Whether that’s due to alt accs or who knows. Meh

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