[Main thread] Login screen infinite loop

What makes me nervous is that if it’s an individual account thing they might have to resolve it individually? Don’t want to be a pessimist but certainly not feeling optimistic.

Maybe but I have a T-Mobile number, so I don’t know that that would inherently cause issues?

As a test just replaced the number on my account with my girlfriend’s number, who uses a different provider than I do. Still nothing. At this point I don’t even know what to do. All my friends can get in with absolutely no issues.

After the first round of server maintenance the problem persists. Fingers crossed the next round catches it.

Same here. I just tried something new. I removed the number from my account and added the number from my wife’s account to my account since her’s is able to get in instantly at the end of que. It didn’t do anything. So it has nothing to do with phone numbers. It’s pretty frustrating but an easy way to see what’s happening is to set your region to asia where there isn’t a que right now. If you’re in que it will just keep popping you back to the start of the que but without a que it says, “Searching for game servers… Entering game…” and here’s where it differs from my wife’s account that goes to main menu at that part “Connecting” and then it shows login screen. If there is a que it doesn’t even throw you back to the login it just keeps putting you in an infinite que. Without que it’s infinite type your email and password.

Also I’ve had a ticket out on this issue for 24 hours. Will try to update when I find out more.


I’m going to kill myself if it isn’t fixed. All my friends can play no problem.


Submitted a ticket and tweeted at Blizzard Customer Support, just got a response saying the team is aware and working on it. So the good news is it hasn’t flown under the radar.

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hallelujah :pray: hopefully its fixed next maintenance

Its extremely disheartening to see my friends play while I, being the dumbass that I am, can’t play while I took time off of work to play this.

Hi i need help i stay in loop for login on game , and not enter

Still stuck in a login loop

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Same here still stuck in login loop since the game came out

Same here, was able to log in once when the game first came out and ever since then have been stuck in the loop. Hopefully they fix this soon.

Having the same problem.

Still having the same problem since launch. I couldn’t even get to the main menu,

Same here, I played once for a short time on launch day (though it took several hours to get in) and since then I’ve been getting the login loop. I was hoping the two rounds of server maintenance earlier were going to fix it but sadly not.

The only comfort at this point is their launch status update yesterday:

Figured I’d at least share that for anyone that missed it, could be of help.

I’m really hoping the “being unable to log in at all” point is about this log-in loop issue, but regardless I’m getting tired of waiting (especially with fixing the database slowly), easily the worst launch I’ve ever personally experienced. Tempted to make an alt account just so I can play with friends in the meantime.

Yeah my game won’t even let me play. I load up the game as normal but when I press play on the title screen it says “connecting” then it disappears. I’ve sat on this screen for 20 minutes hoping it would log me in but to no avail


Same issue over here. Infuriating. Just a constant, nonstop loop of:

Searching for a Game Session…
Connecting to Game Session…
Entering Game…

Email or Phone


That might be it maybe my two accounts are set to use the same player database nodes and my wife’s is on another.

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Since I have nothing else to do really except have a few drinks and speculate. “The process of adding nodes requires replication of data” Is interesting. It sounds like they have the player base divided up into little chunks. Sounds like these nodes aren’t something you just randomly route through when trying to connect but your account data is stored and categorized by them.

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I’m glad it’s not just me, this only seemed to have happened once I set my SMS attatch and then restarted. I get to the end of the queue and then get no prompt to proceed.

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