Your highest and lowest level OWNED Hero

Highest is Fenix at 28 lowest is Gall at 1. Chogall I mostly got just for completion’s sake but I do like playing cho whos only level 3 I just usually play alone so I never get to use them. All other heroes are at least level 5 for me.

Aba lvl 61 highest.

More than half of the roaster above 15.

Lowest I think Morales with lvl 7.

Diablo at 25.
both cho and gall at 1.:sweat_smile:

Hightest: Kael’thas 26
Lowest: Samuro 1

Murky - 28

Cho - 2


I have a friend like that. I think its much more impressive to be well rounded like that than to be like me and only really play 8-12 or so heroes with any frequency.

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Well thanks!
I just can’t help myself since I enjoy the playstyles and kits of so many Heroes.
(And I also must collect all the lvl 15 portraits O.O )
Plus I find it really helpful if you played every Hero, so you know about them all.

(Sidenote: I’m pretty sure the main reason I could climb to Master rank is because I’m so versatile. I can fill for every teamcomp.)



Highest Genji, Raynor - 100,
Cho’gall - 15

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Are… are you a god?

Lowest? The one(s) that require friends.

the nerf to them was bad…