You would think not possible, but QM is getting worse with each patch

Don’t worry CrazyLegs, you needn’t explain any further. As Hoku cannot relate nor empathize. That player does not play QM at such a consistent rate as you or I.

To understand the mess going on not only with the compositional makeup of teams in QM but the disparity between team MMR/KDA amongst team members in the matches as well. No surprise the overwhelming majority end in stomps. Which only occur much more frequently as you win to the point you should expect it… if possible at all.

So ignore his condescending slight. Real players duking it out in QM understand your sentiments exactly.


Comps can be tough to work with but noncomps are perfect. All comps have something that can be exploited but its up to the player to figure it out.
However to me the biggest issue with QM is not the comp . its that skill gap between players. Ive said it in the past and saying again its no perfect solution but have players pair with people of their own tier.

A lvl 50 player should never be facing a lvl 1000+. Its creates unhealthy balancing. Lower lvl player are more likely to cost the game through mistake a higher lvl woulhd had not likely done. To me that is the true issue of QM not the comp. Blaming the comp is just an excuse , seriously when did someone ever complained on the forum someone was better than them and they couldnt keep up ?

Sorry bud, I disagree wholeheartedly. Have you not been paying attention to the smurfs running amok? They exist in all ranks and come in all levels lol. Its not the comps that can be exploited but the human nature of players to make costly mistakes.

We have draft modes for the very reason of teaching us how well certain heroes coordinate and function well with one another. Whereas others like niche picks work here and there. Half the battle is your team’s makeup, the other 50% is execution.

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I get your point but in regards to smurf in hots , its not the M or GM or even diamond. Thats likely to create a smurf account, but the toxic player that got banned , and those players arent usualy that good. Since the beta im sure the amount of skilled toxic players i have encoutered could be counted on both hands. But id be quickly running out of hands if we had to count lower skill players making smurf because of ban or something else.

If only drafting helped… Just yesterday I decided to play UR for 2 games. First went well we drafted accordingly it was a decent match but 2nd was a disaster. Someone decided that drafting hammer against Li ming and Azmodan was a good move and ofcourse result was a stomp.

QM will be popular because when you have about an hour and you want to play HoTS you’ll want to have shorter Q times. No one is expecting perfect comps from QM. Just reasonable less likely to stomp comps are good enough.

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Sadly, the more heroes they add, the less they can really be aware of the subtle ways in which certain combinations of heroes counter other certain combinations. Even when both teams have the same number of each role, it’s still not any sort of guarantee of an even match. There are assassins who can solo lane, and specialists who can’t. There are tanky supports, and fragile warriors. Twin blades varian, tlv on two lane maps, and triple mage against triple dive. Roles are not even generically meaningful anymore.

It would be better if they, instead, used something like the system they already have on the web page, where they have ‘survivability,’ ‘complexity,’ ‘damage,’ and ‘utility,’ to balance comps. They would have to expand the metrics to include things like ‘lane presence’ and/or ‘self-sustain,’ break up ‘utility’ to ‘support’ and ‘healing,’ and probably get rid of ‘complexity.’ But it would result in far better comps.

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First of all. If you play draft you complete all your quests, you don’t need to play specific hero, role, universe,…
And what I was trying to say is that for me having mirror comps is boring. It would make the game mode less fun and not necessarily balanced since composition is only of of the many factors, in my opinion minor.

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No, you cannot control 4 other people. This is obvious. You can influence them, possibly. But also, probably not. I ping, I play tanks and healers, and I let people know my destination. That means f*ck all for people who aren’t paying attention.

I will sometimes put things in chat, like “We need 10, plz soak”, but usually just pings are more than enough to get my team on the same page as me.

Awesome. This has nothing to do with players who don’t follow the team, or play as a team. It’s irrelevant.

Again, assuming that all 4 other people on your team are complete potatoes and not even trying to make a difference is simply a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This isn’t an “assumption”. These observations are based on facts. Actual things that people do in which I can safely come to specific conclusions about them. By you framing it this way, it’s clear you’re simply a disingenuous person not willing to understand other peoples’ perspectives.

ya, i agree. QM can be totally broken with how it matches. i dont think it even tries.

Tass, Gaz, Jaina, KT, KTZ [Loss, 9 kills]
Medivh, Naz, Syl, Zera, Butch [Won, 29 kills]

basically we had no chance. if we try to push… they can gank us. if we group up… they gank all of us together. fun right?

i cant find it anymore, but one of the things the devs said was they liked the idea of being able to lose right at draft. the thread was about ranked as i recall.

one of the things that was said was how much emphasis is on draft now more so than it use to be in 1.0 with the old talent system. the devs are perfectly alright with you losing right from draft whereas in the past the way the talents were set up you had more options that you could work with to offset things. your team draft plays an even bigger role now that they have been reworking and streamlining talent trees for many heroes for a long time.

which brings me to QM. in draft modes that idea of ‘draft matters’ is great and all. you can place that kind of responsibility on the players to do something like that. in QM as it works now… there is no choice like that. it just randomly throws ppl together into absurd comps.

i believe it has something to do with them trying to make a lot of complicated rules for it to try to follow. only its not able to really fulfill them.

this is why i have suggested in many threads a ‘quick draft’ as replacement to quick match. if you ever notice brawl matches dont really take a lot of time either to setup. yet ppl still play them regularly. quick draft is similar to brawl, but setup in a different way. which shifts things from ‘throw everyone together randomly’ to ‘let the players pick what heroes will work’. so it ends up if they dont get a tank… a healer… or good wave clear… whatever… its really their fault in the end. they could no longer blame the matchmaker for throwing together bad comps.

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