Would love to see some changes for Uther, Mah old Main

He’s kit is dull, cleanse once every decade, low end of averege healing, Thirsty like it’s realistic… you know he’s old and has VERY low stamina. Gets tired really quick, can’t keep up with all the youth in the game.

He basically breaks a bone everytime he casts a heal. I would love it if he got some years cut off his back with some nice talents or updated kit.


Yeah… he is only level 11 for me but as someone who likes solely healing, he isn’t what I look for in a healer. I understand he can CC REALLY good if you play him right, but I just dislike having a super long healing cooldown, simply because it’s supposed to be a “burst with a self heal to boot” alongside his Armor trait.

I’m not sure how to change him outside of maybe make Hammer of the Lightbringer quest baseline, and put another talent there, while also maybe making his heals go from 12 seconds to 9 seconds, but maybe trade off how much armor they provide, maybe 25 to 20 or 15.

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He needs to have some mana cost lowered.
As for his talents they mostly seem to be okay for a healer in theory i think


Yes, this as well! That’s why I feel like I have to talk Lightbringer otherwise I’ll be mana starved quite often.

Just some changes here and there, i wouldn’t mind if that Lawbringer was baseline and that he got his mana cost lowered. MB one of his heals had a lower CD too. like his W.

He needs to either be reclassified as a bruiser/tank, or hard nerf his E to boost his baseline healing.

He performs better when you don’t play him as a main healer. Actually he’s really strong when you do that. So only buffs isn’t a good idea.


But as is he feels over powered.
One of the strongest “healers” in the game.
You can’t buff that without taking a hit somewhere, and that scares me.
I solo heal all the time, and I can have 1/3 the healing of the opponent’s healer and still be crushing them because he provides so much.
And if I’m ever above them in healing…they’re in for a bad day.

Though to be fair, I find it hard to go anything but Q build, so maybe if they could balance him around not practically NEEDING to pick that.
I’ve tried the other talents before, and they can work. But nothing feels as broken as near constant free self heals and armor plus the utility of dismounting enemies at long range or securing kills on low health targets.


He’s the best duo healer so not a huge reason to change him. Maybe make his mana sustain at level 1 quest better? If we buff his weakest mana quest to have kt globe permanent mana per globe collected, I’d use uther for sure. Early game he’d still suck but late game he’d actually be able to spam spells like a regular healer

He is not a solo healer and never will be. You pick him as a off healer/bruiser. If you want to solo heal you better off picking Alex or Stukov.


Please, please don’t rework Uther. Reworks are…just so hit and miss. He’s fine.


Oh gross you go the q can attack enemies and half cooldown or something? Fan does that because he’s so good he can troll but in all honesty that is the “selfish” build to have fun because you aren’t healing your teammates in the meantime. You do become more of a “solo” carry who can be a bruiser-like playstyle to bully out squishies

The biggest problem I see with Uther is a social one, not a design one. People see “healer” and they just assume the box is checked and they can all draft assassins now without actually understanding that Uther works even better as a bruiser than he does as a solo healer.

The number of times I’ve gotten flamed for even hovering Uther when we already had a healer because “we don’t need two healers,” or that when early picking Uther how the other guy hovering healer immediately changes his pick, still astounds me.

He’s been in the game since day 1, you’d think people would at least try to learn the basics about each hero. Instead they seem to turn their brains off as soon as they’re able to mentally check the “we have a healer” box.


You’ve seen the other talents at 7, right? They are nothing special. Often I’d rather finish a runner.

Besides, you’re healing your team by soaking damage for them. Uther works best with an aggressive play-style.


His kit is cool and fun (at least for me).
He was overpowered not long ago.
So why the rework? What’s the problem beyond “me don’t like”?

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Doesn’t have to be major Tassadar like reworks. Just more polished talents with better impact whether it be a damage build, healing build or CC build.

Biggest draw back atm is his ridiculous mana cost.
2nd wish is that it would be nice if his W had a lower base cooldown. It’s satisfying to use W but pretty joy killing when you have to wait 12 sec to do it again.

  1. Reduce mana consumption (possibly change talents to give something else as reward instead of it soley revolving around mana)
  2. Reduce CD on W. (to somewhere around 8-10sec instead of 12)

I’d be OK with this. 10 seconds would be find, or even 11 to start.

What talents do you think needs changes?

My thought about the talents are more farfetched than realistic and i obviously don’t know how it would impact the overall balance.

But 2 more realistic changes would be the ones i mentioned.
Reduced mana cost and reduced CD on W.

I can just imagine picking the W talent at 1 and being able to heal more frequently if i manage to land the W on multiple heroes to reduce the cd even further. It would create some nice plays and would increase his effectiveness as a solo healer.

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Everytime a thread like this comes up all the uther mains have to come out of the woodworks (get it lumberjack skin?) to remind ppl that he can in fact SOLO heal. With 2 cleanses in his kit he’s got some of the strongest burst protection that any healer can offer. Divine shield can be used to empower divining and ither can step up to the frontline in smaller skirmishes to allow tank to roam/soak (this is why he’s a great solo on dragonshire). You’re not going to be getting A heal bot, hes bad vs poke. That responsibility lies in uther player not picking him vs poke heavy teams and assassin players not being bad at when they pick fights.

As for this thread i don’t completely disagree. He could use some talent changes here and there. W build could use some love imo.

Ye Uther is my highest lvl hero, back in the day i only picked him and had countless MvP’s. Then… as newer and newer heroes got added and more and more heroes got reworked everyone started getting spam pokes which made it that much harder as a Uther main.

Today i barely play him but ppl in draft remind me of him all the time when they check my profile and ask me to pick him and i don’t.