Why was my post removed by the system?

I got a message my post was removed.
It was poll of ethics for 20 events that happen in hots often.

Someone said polls are against the community guidelines, but when I searched the community guidelines for anything about polls, I got zero results.

Does anyone know where that is? Or if it is not a rule?

Does anyone know why the post was removed? I opened a ticket, but I am not sure if that is something they will respond to.

Might be a good idea to go through the sticky thread:

Last guideline clearly states:

Not to say anything about their rules of discussion on locked/deleted threads, which you should’ve seen when you read the code of conduct.


He didnt read the code of conduct!? Booo

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I didn’t read the CC, and I will be honest.
I don’t read the washing instructions, the tags on mattresses, the T&C, or a slew of other information that people want me to read.

I don’t know who reads all that stuff or why anyone pretends that everyone reads it.

I was definitely surprised that they delete posts for petitions and appreciate your help.

After my post was deleted, I did read the “community guidelines” that they had linked.

Which are actually the same page. Honestly though, I use to get stress bubbles on my fingers when I was trying to have a 4.0 at my university. Then I was like well that is pointless.

So I graduated as a B student. So I probably miss about 80% of anything I read or get about 80% of stuff wrong.

If I knew half of everything then I could still be wrong in that other half anyway though right, just numerically. Thanks for the help though. I didn’t see anything in the CG or CC or whatever that page is supposed to really be called.

I will try to remember not to post petitions, but again, I am 20% likely to make the mistake.

edit: I hope the joke is taken properly, but this is the internet, and I really didn’t want to have an 11th line.

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I don’t always read though that sort of stuff either, but I make it a general rule to at least skim through the various sticky posts and such when I join a new forum, as this is essentially their house so their rules apply.

Doesn’t matter whether or not I agree with them.
And I do apologize if I came across as rude in my other comment.


I am the last person to worry about if you sounded rude. I write like a robot, and a ton of people think I am super rude.

Though sometimes I am salty tho.

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I don’t think you came across as rude in the slightest. Most of us have had our posts edited or deleted, even if we have read the COC. You were just trying to help someone out (like many of us do) by pointing out the potential pitfalls, so they can avoid them.

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I’ll be honestly, I sort of assumed it was a rage posted and reported it on principle (not to mention that petition posts aren’t allowed by CoC.)

If I made that mistake, I’m sure many others did as well.

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I don’t think the post was flagged, I at least didn’t see it hidden. It was probably because it had “poll” in the title.

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Yes, likely something silly.
It wasn’t a petition, it wasn’t naming and shaming, it wasn’t even non-discussion, albeit it was a bit guided.

Over at the WoW forums really innocent threads have been removed. Very many of them.

One wish I have, if such posts would be locked and viewable by people who participated in it. I hate when I have a notification that someone responded to my post, only to be unable to see it.

Like, this thread is discussing rules which is also against the CoC!
I also recall that playing a mod is against the rules… (e.g. “why necro” posts are against, on the principle that they don’t add to the discussion, as opposed to “edit out naming and shaming” which…)
Imagine the OP returns in a day, and he won’t see any of these answers.

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I’ll never forgive them for completely deleting Gishki’s “Level 100” thread that was years old, just because someone was trolling the thread. Yes, I think we can agree on the spotty nature of it all.


Threads dont need to be flagged by the community to get removed. Admins sometimes does that himself if he see a thread that goes againts the rules. Admins also removes posts that goes againts the TOS and give sad member a 24 hour ban for it.

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why would you think it was a rage post?

Well, it did look kind of like smurf, or B2GM rant to me as well.

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Let’s see

  1. Several of the items on the poll list were clearly complaining about poor teamwork in ranked (e.g, my tank is taking camps during objective, someone drafted “bad” heroes like Murky and Nova in Ranked, someone didn’t ban top tier heroes, etc)

  2. It’s hard to tell tone on the internet, but it sounded passive aggressive. Phrases like “It would be great if you would all respond please.” Even in this thread, a lot of your phrases sound passive aggressive…

  1. You made this post. If it was an honest mistake, you’d probably either repost the post, or something else, not make a further post demanding answers from the poor intern assigned to moderating these forums.

It was a rage post in disguise. “Hey all, choose 1-20 of all options I predetermined and give me a response” aka an echo chamber.

He wants to see if everyone else complains about the same things he did. There really wasn’t much room for discussion. The OP asked for you to choose out of the 20 he chose, much of them had overlap.

Myself and many others assumed he was raging and trying to find kinship in people who are annoyed by the same things he is.

Nothing really else, tbh.


wayback when, some things on the forums got removed due to anti-bot mechansisms they had to offset the slew of spam that’s attack the forums.

I don’t know if those concerns are still around and I also don’t remember what stuff we were supposed to avoid to reduce the change the bot-filter might remove a post or topic, tossing in two bits to reminisce about the times stuff was routinely getting removed during the dreaded superspam days

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Admins can remove threads/posts that goes againts TOS without waiting for it to be flagged by the community. I have seen they have done that a lot more lately. Also if a thread goes way too much off-topic they usually gets locked.

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Blizzard does not like polls cause they do not like hearing they are wrong.

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I wasn’t complaining.

Each item was just a thing I saw in matches. I wanted to know how most people evaluate them.

It seems to me that you rage and that you took it that way because of how you are.