Why this game is dying

These topics appear more than a mosquito in a lagoon. Jeez.


Matchmaking algorithms aren’t really a mystery. The issue is player depth. Everytime blizzard tightens the rule the matches get better but the queue times get longer, because there aren’t enough players to meet the criteria needed for a good match. Its not because the algorithm is bad the available players are low. So Blizzard has to decide Long Queue good match vs short queue potentially bad matches. they picked the latter

Now you might say, LET US CHOOSE, but in a shallow pool that only means that the people that choose higher quality will wait longer as the majority will probably pick just give me a game, leaving fewer people to make your good match with.

And as far as the ban system haven’t seen anybody get whacked who didn’t deserve it. You will mention all the streamers that go muted a couple of years ago, that showed an issue with the reporting process. Blizzard fixed it, and you need to remember there are more options than bad chat. AFK, Abusive Pinging, intentionally dying, trolling opponents, Public chat can be reported for abusive chat so if you are saying stupid things in the public forums out of game you can be reported. So sorry you had a bad game maybe move to LOL which seems to address all your needs.


That was solved though, but then it got reverted, I wonder why…

So you a guy who got silenced a lot and prob only plays qm. Then says the game is dying?: :joy: dont pingspam people dude

Don’t bother to point the mistakes of this game because the players are in a delusional state where they believe that this is the best moba in the world.


Blizzard does a piss-poor job of:

  • educating new players about core game concepts (e.g., soaking, objectives).
  • stemming the burst damage. I don’t play healers anymore as it’s the most unfulfilling, frenetic, herding cats gameplay there is.
  • sharing any kind of metadata.
  • updating heroes to fit with the meta, tier lists, or their own roles.

It was dead on arrival with life support. But it made blizz some $$, so it wasn’t a failure.

  • released in an oversaturated market
    *Wasn’t different enough to warrant praise
    *Minus a handful, heroes aren’t interesting enough compared to other mobas

The only thing special about HOTS is that you’re playing with Blizzard characters, but that doesn’t matter when they’re watered down versions.

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THIS. metadata. We need more statistics to determine what low rankers are doing wrong compared to higher end/tier players. Im so tired of this win rate and KDA bologne. We need real stats and not just more generalized stats. We need more stats particular to each hero in the game. For example: we need to see how many moonfires a malf is hitting and how much healing he is getting out of those landed moonfires compared to his simple HoT. I would like to think a good malf can land more moonfires and gain healing comparable to his HoT. I want to see how many time nova landed her nuke on each hero. There are SO, so many stats and ways to break this game down into the scientific. Why arent the devs even trying to let us see these?

Strangely enough, it doesn’t seem to be.

There was absolutely a lull for a while, but I don’t think most players really noticed HGC. A lot seem to have misunderstood it as ‘cancelled the whole game’ and when they realized that wasn’t happening, they logged back in.

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OH NOES I SAID KOTAKU and thats the summary about 1/3 of these thought provoking replies. That article is about an actual twitch stream. The report system was B R O K E N and just a tool for greif reporters for years love these insightful relevant replies.Apparently they fixed it, well at least you cannot be silenced when ally chat is off. Match maker is a JOKE to and easily exploitable and turns casual PUGS into Arranged team fodder, but oh noes KOTAKU!!! Like any video game journalism is quality, subjective sponsored reviews woooopity dooo


They have a tutorial and these:

But I agree, they should do even more and make it more visible / easier to reach.

Being the Healer is a hard job, it was never liked widely, but it’s good actually. I like playing Healers and I know I’m not alone.

They did.

It’s easily reachable from the main site.

Like when they updated Raynor and he defined the meta? They make reworks and updates. They release Heroes which shift the meta, making older Heroes more viable. They don’t release tier lists on their own, that’s true, but why, when the pros doing it and probably more reliably?


Dang Karabars. That’s one severe burn and a great post.

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“Why this game is dying.”

Aww !@#$, here we go again.


I didn’t say they didn’t have tutorials. However, how many people (especially new players) watch these? Blizzard could tell us, but they won’t. And how old are these? Have they been updated in the last 6 months?

I didn’t say no one plays healers. However, from personal experience and others on the forums, I’d bet that healers are the least played category (not right now due to the new healer being added, but give it a week). Again, Blizzard could tell us, but won’t.

And that’s the kind of meta-data I’m talking about. Blizzard no doubt has a tonne of data on heroes played, talents chosen, etc. None of that is shared or available. When people on these forums spout statistics from other websites, Blizzard never confirms or denies with their own data.

Finally, certain heroes (e.g., Tassadar, Medivh) have been at the bottom of the popularity list for over 6 months or even a year. Haven’t received any updates for over 6 months or a year and definitely don’t fit the role they have been given (Probius the assassin says hi). Sure we’re supposed to be getting a Tassadar rework (when?), but we have no information on Zagara, Probius, TLV, etc.

I’m just pointing out that this is Blizzard’s game. If they want it to succeed, they could put in more of an effort. Since we’re not likely to see that, the game is dying.

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I’ve never seen those before!

Grief reporting and report abuse was a core problem that drove off a lot of players. You get that lovely silenced message, and in many cases you never even said a word, classy. Typically if you PUG you’re likely get ganged up on and grief reported.
Then blizzard’s history with broken match maker in all games SC1,SC2 etc. Those sweet sweet loss streaks, 10 games a Friday because you casual and you are arranged team fodder

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the sad part about this thread is that there are actually people who thinks this game isn’t dead lmao

mindless sheep will always be mindless sheep


So many dead game topics. but yet these people still log into the game and play it.


OP reads like a Trump tweet.


It’s because of that damn IGN: 6.5/10 score kicking in

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