Why "Random" games FORCES 48-52% Winrate

Teams mmr wise are 95% balanced accorting to HeroesProfile. The last 5% is when you face master players in a premade which have much higher mmr then your team then it gets unfair but.

So the rule should apply to both teams getting both high and low mmr players so no team are at an disadvantage unless its one of those rare games againts 3k mmr teams matchmaker can’t find a suitable team to face.

To those who use hero winrates to justifie they are getting targeted by the matchmaker and get pulled down to 50% winrate have no clue what they are talking about.

Like its matchmakers fault you get a 30% illidan on your team while you are 70% on your own hero. Not everyone are good with every hero. I can admit that too. I’m trash with Maiev while others might be good with her. But in the end both of those players still have the same mmr even tho thier hero winrates are different.

The 70% player might be trash with other heroes while the 30% player might be godlike with other heroes.

And in the end they both ends up with the same mmr. But some players have made the ‘‘forced 50% winrate’’ into something that is real to them. They will belive it so much that evidence that points into another direction gets ignored and said people gets called a troll.


Actually, if you win a bunch of matches, they do get better.
People are mechanically better at higher ranks, I basically experience bronzies being stationary and plats being jumpy, but it’s also mechanical hero skill (on top of heavy rock-scissor-paper) hence you can have a bronze vs diamond match where the bronzies just dominate.

Yes, there are matches where you are assigned the carry and the opponents are also advancing in skill, so there are matches where you can’t deliver and it feels like super weird. Ideally you can notice your own misplays but sometimes it’s just set up and it happens one way or another.

My way out of that is a very strict rule, stop after second loss on a day. Can play until next loss after several hours. Hence today’s score is 2:4 and it’s tragic as such (due to with my best hero, WL-WL-L-L).

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