Why bot which replaces leave players is absolutely useless?

Really when we fight with him a enemy who do camp and enemy have 2% lives but kill me… and my team afk BOT (90% lives) go out of clear camp circle…(and return to base) genius must programing this! Sure enemy with 2% lives take camp becouse afk player bot is mega stupid! :rofl:

And i lost game with MVP but my team afk… lost game yes i lost same rank point that afk plaers with 0dmg 0xp


The replacement AI (or VS AI for that matter) has a bad reputation for good reason. It was being worked on here, but I’m not not sure if it’s still being improved. I can’t remember the last time I saw a patch note addressing it.

It should be noted that not all AI is terrible and how well it functions depends what hero has pinged it and if you issue suitable command pings.


to be only supportive … i Want ELITE AI for replace afk players …

Tacticaly all of them are terrible. They rely on whatever the programmer programmed on what tactic they need to go for. But often ignore other aspects. And it gets worse when they are behind in level, because that restricts them even more.

A few things that are still well noticed in vs AI:

  • When attacking the core, and an objective is going on, they will ignore defending their core.
  • They randomly die by your towers while they are trying to push
  • They randomly die from camps
  • They are scared of certain AoE’s in such way they will do everything to avoid it (and they can be as low damage as illidans immolation)
  • Hanamura is a complete diffirent story regarding camp priorities.

Especialy the random deaths is something i consider extremely poor. In a safe enviroment that should never happen to the AI.


There is a problem with that: Elite AI can actually outplay people below silver. It would become an attractive strategy for lowly skilled toxics to bully out a player and make them leave the game.

They would have an advantage with an Elite AI.

But yes the current AI is pretty horrible. Seems like they gave up working on it.