What was "The old Tyrande" like?

yes, it’s damage is capped now.
And i believe it has less talents that can increase it’s damage/lower it’s cooldown.

That was by far my most favorite build !
I also loved the mark build but flare , god that damage burst was insane if you landed all your shots !


Yeah, it was fun. I feel like the rework was necessary, because people would want ‘stronger’ healers when I wanted to play her in draft mode. You could also pick players off with owls without specking into that build at all. Good old days.

It’s a high probability all those abathurs had suffered ptsd from a tyrande’s owl. Wonder how they are doing now over the rework.

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before rework: THERE’S A TYRANDE!!! AH

after rework: there’s a tyrande? oh

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People who have the ability to scout for an abathur makes me wonder why blizzard never gives abathur some organic squelching notification. To inform the time Abby can burrow… just as blaze has a combustion alarm.

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probably because that would nullify some of the little counterplay aba has

but it would be a nice thing to give him

There should be a way to have a nice middle ground in all this . a way to either focus on healing or to go infinite questing dps.

The healing bonus can easily be immediate but the damage is what came at a cost , the one of being super weak early game andthe player HAD to land land all their shots or stacks as much as possible or they would become a huge liability on this.

When medivh had originally been reworked , i was so mad i decided to just drop him and pick a new hero , ( tyrande ) . in the time of medivhs rework until tyrande , i got her from 10 to 50ish while also playing my other mains lol

I should really study her current talents and compare it with the old one and see it their would be a proper middle ground to please everyone.

Tyrande was odd because after my “main of the storm” project , we found that tyrande was the character that people stopped playing the most due to the rework , while also having a near equal number of people newly picking her up.

I liked all versions of Tyrande but the Owl snipe version. It was fine in QM, you could get some yucks with long range owl snipes, but in draft mode she was hardly seen. Which is the reason they reworked her.

Yeah… And she was picked while she had a soft cleanse with 2 charges on level 7. But now she’s a QM-only pick again.
Another rework, maybe? And hopefully this time they’ll make her the “multiclass” she deserves to be.

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Actually she was picked alot as a 2nd support/ damage dealer. Then they nerfed her aa damage and she went away.

The devs stated at the time her pick rate in HL was 1%, this in essence was the stated reason for reworking her.