What is your focus as a flex main

Thanks everyone for the replies! Was a good read - including the diversions, like the stories of olden days.

That is true, however just like Karabars explained implicitly, it’s a bit easier to accept random stuff than non-cooperative decisions of other people. If anything, the understanding I can’t punish the game.

I also figured I like to play multiple heroes as long as I have a couple minutes to think it through - also QM apparently has a low level modifier, so playing something new makes it easier.

So, I see a distinction between flexing and filling. The former is the choice playing multiple heroes, roles, styles, while the latter is being cornered into doing so, ideally acceptively.

He is definitely one of my better heroes, too. After getting back to precise 50% winrate, I had a 4:1 day with him on Sunday. And a 3:1 a few weeks ago. I like him being impactful and fairly sturdy and durable.

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