What I learned making a Replay Analyzer

Lol. Quite expected that this thread would be buried. Thanks for reviving it, so I get a chance to check it out.

Who could have seen this coming? HOTS having bad matchmaking… The council of yes-men had to work overtime to debunk such folly.

The wr on higher heals suggests the ‘utility healers’ (tyrande, uther, li li, rehgar coming to mind) are doing worse than healbots (anduin, auriel, alex). It also seems to imply being a siegebot is best (despite higher siege having about same wr as higher hero damage, you depend a lot more on teammates when you go for hero damage, instead of siege).

Looks like OP put more effort into making this program than the whole hots dev team at the game’s peak. It always blows my mind when fans manage to approximate the processes behind an app just by using it, with 0 access to the code. Really makes one think (if capable of such activity) about how hard could it have been to improve the current matchmaker. Luckily though, the bad mm must be bacause of low playerbase (here, correlation must mean causation, there’s no other option), so there’s no solution, and supposedly never was, because without 6 million concurrent players, one can’t expect a decent match with 10 people.

Wish you luck OP. I wonder if you’re working on that MOBA you mentioned on your site.

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Tbh I think most people have you and pureblooded blocked by this point, so your attempts to rile people into argument will be fruitless.

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(post deleted by author)

You have the emotional need to continue following. It’s very understandable.

Thats where we know all his fake studies proves nothing.

Should also include that most heals are not even team fight related. You can easy ramp up more healing if you have your team stand in aoe from mercs/bosses. Also not every healer can aoe heal. Some can only single target heal and will quickly fall behind.

You can also have fights with a healer doing less heal but still win cause dmg dealers kills fast enough for enemy healer cant react to it.

If what you are saying is true then its mostly because people are lazy to avoid her orb. Which happens alot in lower ranks. Teleport is still meta when you reach the rank where people actually has a brain. And claiming that orb build is 12% better then teleport build is a straight up lie. HP still have teleport as the best build.

This only happens becasue the banner is trolling which happens alot now.

So far it seems your claims are all baseless and your analyze is build on nothing but your own opinions which cant hold water in a court.

You also never told us how many replays you (studied) is it 10 or is it 10.000 ? Either way this just seems like another ‘‘I did this study’’ with Trust me bro as your source.

Mal Ganis is immortal of course he’s at the top.

Working as intended.

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To qualify as a ranking system, one must order players by some metric. A single player has a unique rank. Gold, Silver, and Bronze are ranks at the Olympics - only one competitor can have each medal. First place, second place, third place, etc are ranks in racing games. Gold 3 is not a rank. Bronze 1 is not a rank. These are achievements. The game lumps players into these achievements, which are nothing more than a shiny icon with a feel-good word next to it.

In an actual ranking system, any player who knows their rank also knows how many players are ranked higher than them. This is not the case in most online games.

You compare olympics with individual players to an online game that are build into divisions. This is not where you win a tournement and then gets moved up 12 ranks up the ladder.

Rating systems that score players often use wins and losses as the main method for determining how players move in the ladder. This works for symmetrical, skill-based 1v1 games like chess, because better players are more likely to win a game, and they have maximum control over the outcome of the match. Heroes of the Storm is not a skill-based game (as we’ll see later), and it is not a 1v1 game. The outcome of the match is 90% out of your hands. It’s also not symmetrical - each team has a different set of heroes. You can be the best player in a match and still lose. You can be the worst player in a match and still win. This is because you have 4 teammates, any of which could be an AFK feeding dumbass.

Again. You are just comparing solo vs team based efforts. Team games is always about who can work best together. This is nothing new. You would know this from school projects and school tournements.

Also calling Heroes not a skill base game is only because you either dont know what kind of skill it takes to win a teamfight/making the right choices and not just tunnel vision. Your opinion on this very much proves it.

The matchmaker in Heroes of the Storm assigns a matchmaking rating (MMR) to each player. The matchmaker tries to create “fair” matchups by getting 5 players together whose average MMR is near the average MMR of 5 other players. This means it is intentionally putting what it considers good players on the same team as bad players, to “even them out”. It also gives you more or less points for wins based on whether you’ve been winning a lot recently.

The problem with this approach is that you are biasing the outcomes of matches and forcing all players towards a 50% win rate, regardless of how good they actually are. You are then using this forced 50% win rate to determine how good players are. The Heroes of the Storm matchmaker is actually much worse than a matchmaker picking players at random. Yes, this would sometimes create unfair matchups (which is no worse than what the matchmaker does now), but you would get a far more accurate MMR for each player.

Hots has something called a Mentor system. It pairs people of low and high ranks with eachother to make as fair games as possible. But it dont account for how good you are with the hero you choosed to que up with. Someone with high account mmr can still que up with a hero they are bad with and make the game less balanced as it should be.
I can easy carry on Kerrigan but fail to do anything on Medivh. But what your analyze dont account for are if people are just bad or are trolling games.

The least impactful but most egregious flaw of the rating system is that Blizzard designed it to maximize microtransactions. No, really. they’ve even patented it. Players who spend money on the game are more likely to be paired up with players who haven’t, to make the latter player jealous and encourage them to buy skins.

Nice lie but thats not how games works. Unless you can prove that companies does this then you are just spreading misinformation to boost your narrative. If it was this way then i would be on a loosing spree every month when new packs comes out in Master Duel. Which i dont. They have some very funny conspiracies aswell like people who buy cards with money have higher chance of having a perfect hand vs someone who dont spend money. This have yet to be proven by the YGH community.

What goes for the rest of your analyse you are just making up stuff casuse you mad that you cant climb out of bronze.