What class of hero do you want next?

In my heart of hearts, I would love it if Blizzard would rework Artanis from the fun but flawed bruiser he is into a true tank.


But Stiches’ hook is too iconic to do it. He is visually and almost technically Pudge from Dota/WC3. I would assume that they bought their idea from that, even though they tweaked him. - So yeah I agree with you, it would be probably better, if they would create another hero. :stuck_out_tongue:

Totally agree, Stitches without his hook is almost sacrilege. I’d prefer them make him a bruiser and just bite bullet and make Imp what he almost already is, a main tank.

Honestly? I like the idea, but I didn’t think you would be on board having Arty as a main tank.

When he was originally released, it was with the intention that people would play him as a main tank. You would basically use a trait build, and whack people until they got bored and left. He was hard to kill, but super easy to avoid and kite, so his game play felt very static. He is much more fun to play these days, but his lack of wave clear and utility doom him from becoming a meta bruiser. Much the way Imperius was only meta when he was viable as a main tank.

Switching both Artanis and Imperius to be full tanks on their own merits would go a long way to reducing the tank shortage, and relieving some of the bloat in the bruiser class.


Maybe a ranged assassin? We have not had one of those in a while, there were rumors of Vashj kinda, maybe, being in development sometime? I’d be ok with that.

I’d be equally fine with a healer. Even though they said they weren’t working on support, that could be because of QM issues (like always being matched against an Abathur). If they did someone like Karax masked as a healer but with the utility of a support, that would be awesome.

Yes, there are too few tanks. I think they did an excellent job with Mei, in making her unique, but if they’re going to come up with random shouty guy with similar abilities to existing tanks, then pass.

Personally I would not mind an assassin. I am aware we have a lot yet we have gone quite some time without one.

Give me more Supports! Overmind, Itherael, Therazane, Voljin, a protoss or whoever can fit this role. Pls.


Restoration Druid! I love Resto Druids

Edit: Just remembered Malfurion Exists… But I don’t like how they did him tbh.

So… I guess a bard like character

I wanted an ADC but then they reworked valla and I hate everything about adc

I want a healer

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There was a niche in tanks and adc but either blizzard or the public don’t have a majority vote on wanting that niche or not

Ignoring my specific desires for heroes, I think I’d be happy with anything which wasn’t a healer.

I want a “Shielder” class. It’s just a doofy looking chick running around with a giant Shield. After stankin’ up the World of Fate/Stay Night? Now she’s bringing her mediocrity to the NEXUS. Beware all! For boredom and stupidity await all who pick SHEILDER!

We already have Johanna for that

A wizard. They are what I like to play most. Ranged assassin for accuracy.
Khadgar, Isendra or any other cool mage/sorcerer/ wizard out there would do for me


Hm I myself want another Melee Assassin. We have too few of those and they’re already really unpopular. The last one added was Qhira. She was fun and all and I think the dev should design future melee assassins like her; having multiple options when engaging or disengaging a fight.

Also while on that note, please stop turning Melee Assassins into Bruisers


should be a new nexus hero. someone that’s like genji with a deflect W at melee range that is channeled and can only be interrupted by stun. it can be a 6 second channel with a 10 second CD. there Q is they point and click a target and they lose 10% HP and get stunned. their E can be a hook then toss their other side. Their first ult can be they summon two Valla’s and you lose the game. Their other ult is Blizzard stops trying to make the game worse and the enemy team instawins. It’s a really cool hero concept, trust me.

its time for a mage. We have not had a new one sense orphea.

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It’s time for Healer that I know would be from Overwatch (the last one being Anduin from Warcraft) as I answers it’s Mercy there! in Support case currently have only 4 heroes it’s time to need Symmetra going to the Nexus!

Gazlowe rework made their role changed from Melee Assassin to Bruiser as patch notes answers, recently as The Butcher is still mostly played Melee Assassin, Maiev is lowest played Melee Assassin heroes in the game recently.

  1. A Protoss tank.
  2. A Zerg tank.
  3. A Protoss healer
  4. A Terran tank.
  5. A Terran support.
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I really want a new support. But since it’s sadly very unlikely, I hope for a new healer even if we got 16 of them in game.