What are your stereotypes to heroes?

Meanwhile Dehaka is at their core bringing it down to 17%.

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Best answer here, hands down.


You’re God damn right.


Raynor: I have no idea how to play him, but I heard he’s imba and no-one mentioned that he’s this flimsy. (It’s a marine! What do you expect?)

Hammer: the only person I’ve ever seen play hammer is a friend of mine, who has given me this impression of her: “1v3? Totally unfair odds, needs at least 1v4”.

Enemy Tank: Great…my team is going to focus him
Hammer: Shes gonna E in the middle of a brawl then blame the team for not diving in after her.
Zagara: Shes gonna ignore all the team fights to push bot lane then get ganked ignoring the danger pings
Abathur: Comparing his strategies to my own…usually face desking why Abby took mule in BHB
Chromie: I wanna see her get XXXTerminated…I don’t care what team that tater thot is on.
Zeratul/Nova/Valeera: Yay I get to bait them into thinking im unaware they are sneaking up on me till they run into one of my non-mine traps. Then destroy them everytime I clone a Genji.
Fenix: hehe I’ll bait him into wasting his Kamehameha on attempting to kill me

Mephisto:(Playing as Slapathur)"…F*** sitting inside spawn at lvl 20 till he dies or uses his stupid Ult"

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Abathur: Fresh Cutie

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nova: garbage players that afk

More like a coward who positions like a Chromie all game hiding behind squishier teammates, never having the guts to walk in and fight like any other tank would, trying to land max range hooks all game but missing 98% of them, and the moment the Stitches gets in trouble they use helping hand hook on an ally into the middle of the enemy team beating up the Stitches to ensure the Stitches don’t die alone.

That is mean :sob:

Ana: Either A true battle granny, wreaking havoc all over the place and pumping out true numbers.
or a retired elder care granny, leasurely sitting on the balcony watching the scene unfold.

Isnt this what i said?

Nope, as it is clear from what I previously quoted from you, you are lying through your teeth.

I see things a little different from you guys. I believe heroes are designed to appeal to different demographics of gamer, and that each one’s art/kit is a representation of some cluster of player types.

Some examples:
Azmodan and Sgt Hammer - heavy and mobility challenged
Stitches - Obese but strong/mobile, body issues
Abathur - Non physically imposing nerd
Deckard - Old man
Li Li and Li ming - Smaller ladies
Fenix - Wounded veteran
Diablo - Athletic male

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