What are Mei's counters?

She is driving me to draft modes, with the hope that she can be countered with a modicum of strategy and organization if not outright banned.

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I’d say:

  • Varian
  • Ana
  • Etc
  • Leo
  • Kael
  • Orphea
  • Jimmy
  • BW
  • Lúcio
  • Maiev

are really good Heroes against her.

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It is fun to play Deathwing into her. Only her Wall ult can affect him, and her damage is so low, he can pretty much just ignore her and stomp all over her team.


It depends on your team’s skill to avoid or counter her combo. If she keeps rolling your teammates back into her team to get slaughtered in 1v5 or 2v5 situations, then drafting might not be as impactful…

The best counter is Blizzard nerf patch comming :rofl:


I haven’t really seen a real counter to her. Yeah if the entire team goes cc, maybe they can outdo her slow/stun/blind/heal/shield/spell armor/in-out mobility/massive hp pool

but then you would need to ask yourself why are you focusing the tank.

My biggest issue is how careless she can go right through the team to setup her ult. There’s no punishment.

The counter to Mei is her getting nerfed. Big shock that a new hero is either overtuned or worthless, it’s like there is only 3 people working on this game.

Raynor seems to work well for me if you can stutterstep at all.

I find Diablo works against her tanking quite well (flip if she icing right in front of you, charge of she’s behind you, etc. You can time apocalypse with iceblock.)

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I just find it extremely un-fun to play against her, because you have to play around her so hard. Keep your distance a bit, waiting for the AoE. But also be ready for the slide-stun. Don’t unload on her until her ice block is on cooldown. And don’t cluster up especially after 10.


To be clear: I’m not calling for nerfs. I think that with time I’ll be become a better player into Mei. But it’s not at all fun, so counters are called for.

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I bet her counters are granite or marble… I’d lean more for the granite.

Tyrael can be nice
If people are trapped into the W. You cast E in that so they have an increased chance to escape.
Both ults are good against her altho I favor santification

Stukov also because of the shove and the W/E/D combo

Varian as mentioned

Anub with cacoon when she goes in deep but I dont recommend playing anub these days


I think a lot of people fail to understand the value of DPSing her while she is in her Ice Block. If you burn it down quickly (or Shatter it with Varian) she gets a LOT less self healing.


If a team is really coordinated, they might do better to immediately dive the back line/out-of-position enemies…?

Or just negate it with Ana – and other -healing debuffs. Don’t forget that :wink:


Honestly, OP, I find that by playing Mei, you learn a lot about what she can and cannot do, as well as what counters her. Ana can render her essentially useless as a tank. Same with Varian. These are two incredibly hard counters… I don’t mean two heroes that just mess up her engage or help save the team… I mean two heroes that completely render her role as a tank moot.

If you really want to experience what counters her, play her. She’s not as strong as the five threads on the forums make her out to be.

Overall, this is a good discussion and I’m glad to see more of these popping up. Rather than whine threads, a lot of good, solid information gets passed along in these. +1, OP.


she can cancel ice block I believe

OK, will need to test this.

She can. I found that out by spamming the button in an effort to quickly pop it. Turns out… that’s not a good idea. :rofl:


But, of course, if she cancels it, then she loses out on her self sustain.


but then again, now you have a mei (maybe with avalanche or ice wall!) behind your team, which is VERY scary.

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