Warcraft TV show

Actually the time period they chose isn’t too far off from what they should have chosen. (Look up up Wisecrack’s video on why Castlevania works.)

Castlevania sort of broke through the barrier of “video game shows suck” by not focusing on the plot of the video game, but rather the events leading up to the video game.

This is because the events leading up to the video game actually set the stage for the video game.

In essence the Warcraft movie should have done what I said they should have done all along: do a separate alliance and horde movie about events before the conflict itself.

This not only plays into Blizzard’s storytelling style (multiple sides storytelling ala Warcraft, Starcraft, WarcraftIII, StarcraftII) but it follows Castlevania’s rule of focusing on events BEFORE the game to avoid a bland video game storyline.

This has very little to do with what classes or races are shown but rather that you should take the time to show all sides and set them up properly.

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Biggest difference I can tell from Castlevania TV series and the warcraft movie was that Castlevania focused less on the plot and more on the characters.

Just from the video you pointed out, it talks about how the main characters of Castlevania TV series were far from perfect; drunks, nihilists, blind in faith and such.

They were sympathetic characters that you want to root for and could enjoy watching as they grow in character and accomplish their goals.

Warcrafts’ was much less that since it was already using some already established and quite capable characters. And it had a weird thing of trying to make you root for both sides of two armies fighting, where the main deal is that there was one bad guy among both sides. So you would root for the horde and the alliance and hate on Guldan and corrupted Medivh.

That gets kinda weird.

It’s hard to say what is the correct choice for the monster world that is WoW.

As far as I’m concerned, the right step is making more movies about the popular parts of wow and making them extensively — it’s something that gets better as a whole but is weaker in smaller parts.

It’s like… the warcraft 3 campaign would be a lot more weak if you could only play the first Human campaign and nothing else.

There is one line from that guys’ Castlevania vid that seems to fit well:

“We’re stuck with flat characters following weak plot lines, all of which results in films that only seem vaguely related to the original games.”

That line kinda describe the Warcraft movie to a tee.

It also sad that they didn’t make much out the characters they were using. Medivh is a lore rich character but very little about his lore is included. Nothing about when he hit puberty and suddenly went into a violent magicla coma that killed his father, waking up much later only to be corrupted by Sargaras.
Or about how he wanted to destroy all of humanity in his pursuit of magic. Or how he did battle with his mother, the previous guardian, and defeated her, yet still was human enough to use magic to ensure that she was living peacefully with magical wards.
Or about how a Blue Dragon came to first try to reason with him first with words and then with force but was also defeated.

it was also weird that they changed the canon that Garona was interested in Lothar, as lorewise Garona and Medivh created a half Human, quarter-Draenei and quarter-Orc kid named Med’an.

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I’m not a Warcraft “loremaster”, but AFAIK Med’an is not canon.
You could argue he is because he appears in official material, but things outside the games often contradict each other (sometimes they do even within just the games :sweat_smile: ).
“The Last Guardian”, one of the first Warcraft novels written, shows that Garona has a “will they / won’t they” thing going on with Khadgar. So she’s hooked up with all of the human cast of the first game, just in different media each :laughing:

On an unrelated note, I find it weird how everyone keeps praising Castlevania.
IMO it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t outstanding either (I mean, the animation was top-notch, but the story and characters were plain).
Also, the first season was so slow I almost couldn’t finish it (and after that, I guess I just watched because of sunk cost fallacy :man_shrugging: ).
Still think they should have made Warcraft a series, though. (They still should IMO)

I don’t want to derail but how good was that show!

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I think it’s a show that plays in heaven, and it was accidentally leaked on earth.


Castlevania has 4 main characters from the first two seasons (Trevor, Sypha, Alucard, Dracula) so it’s easy to focus on characters.

It’s also not a movie, it’s a TV show, which are inherently more character driven.

A complete Warcraft movie would, at minimum, have Lothar, Medivh, King Wrynn, Khadgar, Garona, Gul’dan, Durotan, Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand (which is almost the entire main casting list for the Warcraft movie).

Since this is clearly too many characters for one movie, we have to split it up into multiple movies based on creating the setting.

Take for example the MCU (marvel cinematic universe). They have multiple solo hero flicks that allow you to focus on specific heroes and their backstory / setting. Each hero can be considered its own IP.

If we translate this to the WoW universe, we treat each racial faction (Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, Undead, ala War3) as their own IP. We focus on setting up that IP with its own individual movie. THEN we do the big conflict / team-up movies.

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That would be really cool if they could pull it off. A wow with marvel style set up.
Many individual movies (or even tv episodes/series) and then after a couple of years the movie of them coming through the portal


I would like to see this, but there’s one problem: is there anything interesting for the Humans to do before the Dark Portal opens?
I suppose they could have the Trolls as antagonists? But still, the main thing happening with the humans at the early parts of the story is medivh goin’ crazy, and that is very strongly linked to the whole orc invasion thing, so I would worry the human bits wouldn’t make for a very interesting show/movie.

Of course, they could also not focus on the early games, and skip straight to the “good stuff” like War 3. (and then maybe do War1/2 as prequels later). IDK

Or they could do the first game’s story, but do it better.
The “Last Guardian” novel which I mentioned before could be a better blueprint to follow IMO. Basically just focus more on the adventures of one characterr or group (in the case of the novel, that’s Khadgar), and show the events from that perspective.
If it’s a series, maybe have two viewpoint characters (say Khadgar and Durotan) so we see both sides of the conflict, without overloading the viewer with too many story threads.


The Warlords of Draenor Lords of War series, but 30 min to 1 hr in length.

Let’s make it happen, Blizz.


Medivh’s Mother, Aegwynn, who was the previous Guardian of Tirisfal or some such title, spent around 1300 years fighting off demons and eventually the Avatar of Sargaras.

That could’ve been an interesting point, as it leads to the defeat of the Avatar of Sargaras, whose spirit sneaks into Aegwynn who then sneaks into Aegwynns baby – Medivh.

Although probably too late now…?

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ironically blizzard doesn’t have sufficient reasons to do this at the moment nor likely will with how their movie went out lol