Valla caltrops quest bug

I completed her quest for caltrops but it didnt give me any of the rewards for it. Kinda made me alot weaker too.


Very real bug. has happened to me multiple games in a row. I play valla 75% of games and it’s really making her hard to play without my caltrops build. :frowning:

I just noticed and it really sucks but I wanna mention if try that build in try mode with complete quest button, u get rewards, so it is confusing.

Btw I think that quest should reduce more than 25 mana cost of vault.

Hey Everyone,

Thanks for the reports! We have this issue tracked and hope to have it fixed as soon as we can.

Thank you,
~ Fizivix

You can complete the quest if you click the complete quest button but if you start the quest even by 1 and try to click complete the quest, it will never complete. Must have something to do with the way the time is tracked or something.