MMR comparison (totals & averages) DOES impact the final rank points gain, but it’s STILL based only on WR%, win game ? = get MMR points, lose game = lose them
So yes, there IS the favoured adjustment number/s but it’s based upon nothing else but MMR total/average on both teams, nothing else
There is PRA as well but it’s a complete mess that I doubt even they themselves know how it functions, but bottom like probably is = even if you lose game, just don’t die is the “message” they try/tend-to share ?, I honestly don’t care, lose by 1 point/death/level/structure is still a loss, very same as if lost by 10 because at the very end again: the MMR impact on MM for next game cares ultimately/only about only WR%
That is why PBMM was a must-have (and sounded like a popular/accepted idea to the community) tbh, people want to know their PERSONAL IMPACT toward the loss/win, and not only that but also have factors/categories that they themselves (the player each of their own) can IMPACT toward the final number of MMR they get
But Blizz changed their minds for some reason, gave up away. Folk tend to say it was bugged/bad, but I tend to think they realized it was a far greater challenge than anticipated (or not profitable enough whilest requiring serious hardwork and lots of commitance) I’d say
That is fine but again = the MMR impact on MM for next game cares ultimately/only about only WR% , it has however an “accelerate/decelerate” to it as well [hence why I said win/loss-streaks, although Blizz never officially confirmed this]. Win more games in a row = gain MMR faster, that’s how they “pump up” smurfs faster toward higher ranks (heck they even bragged about it last Blizzcon or the one before ?)
No, I mean GET RID of MMR completely and make MMR-less ranked [read second part from document, but would vouch try read the whole thing, there’s quite a bit useful info I summarized there]:…!At05MlSwg8Tcf6lfFccrnU1RALU
Ultimately I posted/summarized-thoughts/analysis about the “history” of the problem, some “mild measures” (toward the end of Part 1) that could’ve maybe saved the salvaged/situation a bit, but at this point have to be RADICAL (part 2) to make a change:
Bottom-line is: either PBMM re-release, or complete revamp, the game’s in a state that the MM requires RADICAL (i.e. game-definition-founding change)
One-time MMR reset would do no impact what-so-ever and just a matter of time things get bad/worse again, instead = need get rid of the BACKGROUND REASON FIRST that created the problem, not just mild-down the consequence/s