Today is the last day for the board game

Didn’t even reach the first lap. That’s how much I’ve played this game since this disaster.

Congats, I felt too hardcore at 16 laps, but you went that extra few miles!

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think i’ve got 12 right now. still no unicorn plushie mount ;(

i’m thinking of spending shards on either one of those or on honey bear stitches—the tag saying “To: Sylvanas From: Arthas” is SO good. there’s no way him getting her a gift wasn’t a gesture of pettiness, because he knows she hates him more than anything in the world. i can just imagine his smug face about it


9 laps. i wasnt trying.
i played ranked as normal. where if i was really trying i would have played AI and just grinded the hell out of the laps.

:frowning: well you still got some time.

i have Pretty Plush and Honey Plush.

Didnt play one game of this brawl and glad. Blizz banned my acct so no point trying to earn anymore lol. Saves me from tedious brawls.

I did all 50 circles of the board. It was hard work but I loved every second of it. I hope more events in the future give us repeatable quests to grind out!

Nice job! I know so many people that didn’t bother to focus doing the board game quests.

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I finished 8 laps. I probably could have done more but the only way I completed the support / warrior quests was by getting mvp (so it took a while :stuck_out_tongue:)

I did 6 although I just played normally and didn’t particularly try for it nor farm it.

Been a fun little event especially with all the extra lootboxes and all.

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I had maybe four completed–not even sure I got that far–as I stopped caring after the first round. Whatever progress I made was because the quest coincided with what I was in the mood to do while it was active with the mercenary camp one often lingering for a very long time before completion.

3 I think.
I did some other stuff instead of playing HotS. Anyway, I think this was one of those better events. Hope there will be another as good as this christmas one.
Oh, and I’ve got a plush unicorn mount. My king Leoric is proudly riding it.

“Last Day” :laughing:

28 rounds and I got everything I wanted.


This event was gold… I mean chestmine thanks to all the MVPs. Funny event.

Heh, I did two.
But Heroes has just been amongst Subnautica, Smash Bros, and painting Warhammer models.

Wanna whole box of Eldars? Or its not 40k?

Damn, good times.

7 laps… overall didnt get much but did get the new sylv skin and 1 plush unicorn mount so can’t complain to much.

Huh? The board game is still active. I miscalculated?

Maybe the new patch will come out late morning?

Kilo with the baiting post. I knew it :stuck_out_tongue:
(20 Jebaited characters).

I managed to finish 10 laps. Best event I have ever seen. I was not very excited for the event rewards due to the theme this time but I enjoyed participating due to the endless quests…I will miss them greatly…if anything, I believe endless quests should have been a feature since day 1.