This game was a failure because of the devs not activision

I keep seeing people blame activision. Activision didn’t dictate the game design, feature priorities, ranked system/matchmaking etc.

If the devs were better and the game became popular activision wouldn’t have cut it.


Activision are the devs though.

A lot of their decisions were based off Overwatch, hence why HoTS has loot box and diff currencies. And it failed because HoTS community is not the same as Overwatch’s.
Activision also decided to pour money into the HGC tournament inefficiently, to promote HoTS and they still failed.

Activision doesn’t care about making GOOD games, they want to fund games that only have huge profit returns. So a lot of their attempts, decisions and priorities ultimately killed the game.

Just like how they killed Destiny2*

That’s why Bungie left Activision because Activision was awful to work with.
If Blizzard could leave Activision, I bet they would, but they are so far in debt that they’ll never make it on their own.

Being in the dev world, you do what your investers want, regardless if it kills the product or not, otherwise you have no money or job.


citation needed. 20 c

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2.0 was the moment this game took a sharp turn for the worse. Everytime I come back to test the water I see the same toxic growth that has corrupted a formerly enjoyable game. The cost cutting has negatively impacted the game as well as these forums. Somehow Blizzard can afford multimillion compensation packages while ruining HoTS and forsaking all of the IP that made the foundation of their company.

You can’t get new players to stick around and for good reasons. The balance of heroes is broken while unlimited new player stomping smurf accounts infest the early experience driving away those who would give this dump a chance.


Game only failed on the Esport field cause a lot of money was dumped into the prize money instead of game development.
And the Esport scene approach was bad as well.
Heroes of the Dorm should have been the first step and see how the reception goes and not head dive into HGC.

Other than this, the game is still fine imo.
Sure…a lot of TriHards left but like i said it a few threads before…
This is just an “Ecological change” for the game, nothing else :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure this makes sense. a lot of the big issues with HOTS were changes implemented by the devs (such as repeated nerfs that crippled heroes) or outright refusal to do certain things despite universal support by the playerbase (such as improving matchmaking). these aren’t really issues that are solved by just throwing money at it. Considering the know-it-all attitude that many HOTS devs have had over the years, i don’t think financial stuff was related.

kinda but not really? a lot of people complain that the E-sports scene negatively impacted the game but that isn’t really the case. what got people to quit HOTS was worse and worse matchmaking, a terrible report system, continuous nerfs, often years before bad heroes were reworked, etc.

as much as I have enjoyed HOTS, it’s in a dying state now. a lot of the most popular streamers and HOTS content creators have quit outright or are doing HOTS related stuff significantly less. a lot of veteran players are taking extended breaks (like myself) or outright uninstalling.

The removal of huge portions of the dev team signal that this just isn’t true. you don’t really grow games by reducing the amount of people working on them.

Smurfs are largely made because of the long ques in high ranks, which are long because half of them are smurfing.

Theyre biting their own leg by smurfing and then complaining about the pain.


The thing that confuses me is any distinction between Blizzard and Activision at all. They merged 11 years ago… HotS didn’t begin development until 4 years after that and the beta was nearly 8 years later.

Really the point is that you need to be profitable to succeed. HotS rides on the coattails of the other IP’s success, with little to no effort made to recruit players by increasing awareness of the game to non-blizz fans. Also, not enough effort to foster a dynamic relationship with the player-base, and implement requested content and changes.

Great concept, poorly executed. If fixed and properly advertised to potential customers, could probably succeed. I’ll keep playing regardless. Would be nice if they get their act together though.


If I were to quit HOTS, the 3 main reasons would be the forced 50%/ forced carry/ averaged mmr pool, the reporting system and the reconnect system.

Not Hots 2.0, not OW heroes mobility, not game balance, not ranked system, not loot boxes.


Activision laid the final decision to kill the game off, but there are a lot reasons why this game failed all around, beginning with the over-casualization of the game VS their desires for it to be an esport all the way through ignoring the community and ultimately having Activision pull the plug.

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It is not really the dev’s fault. It Is the person treasurer/ accountant who said spend money on this trash to make more money. With out doing research as to what would bring more money.

More skins, more animations and better balance bring money not… this.

Yes it was. They have pull and a lot of it. They see games like fortnight making 100x the money their titles are and they want that. So they make blizzard do things to make games that people are more inclined to pay then to make a good quality game. This is why all of their titles are dying.

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