This game needs a forfeit system

Changes? To HOTS?

Look how well HOTS is thriving with all of the great decisions they’ve made for it. No need for any change. The reporting system, matchmaking system, anti-botting, and MMR systems are working absolutely perfectly.

Why would anyone want to consider making any changes to a game that is attracting players as well as HOTS is?

Why does every one want to keep playing withyou have a afk or a bot? Its a loss at that point. you cant win

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FF is needed for sure, but it leads to another challenge sometimes. I remember the times winning with two bots against the enemy.

Even if a forfeit system would be something Hots needs (it doesn’t) I’m starting to think many people didn’t get the recent memo, no more updates for Hots!

Future patches will primarily focus on client sustainability and bug fixing, with balance updates coming as needed.

I’m not trying to single you out, but I have noticed many new threads since this announcement asking for major additions to Hots, from monetization changes, new heroes, map reworks, hero reworks, etc…

The client patch bug has been with us for over six months and is apparently not a bug anymore but a feature, despite that line about “client sustainability.”

I expect the Devs might do the odd balance changes to heroes, but beyond that outside of “what I wish we could have added to Hots” there is no point asking for major changes, it’s simply not going to happen.

I’m afraid it’s time to move on to acceptance, but sure, keep a sweet hope alive that Microsoft will see potential in Hots as I do, but I also wouldn’t bet the farm on that hope.

If players limited game time need to be respected then you will never get a game. People who only have 2hours/day would just forfeit evey game that are not won within the first 10min.

I have played Smite a few times and I had games last over one hour and that game have a surrender button but only a few would use it if they can see we still got a chance even one hour later.

Even tho surrender button would be greatly needed in this game you would rarely have to use it if your teammates are competent enough to understand basis.

Also games dont last long enough to be bothered to add one. Power creep are not even near being a problem as it is in other mobas.

In Smite you can get 3 shotted by anything that touches you mid/late game if you play low hp champs.

Not many people know this, but there actually IS already a forfeit system in hots. It’s actually a pretty intelligent design, too. I hope that me sharing it here won’t result in it being taken advantage of, but I trust the community to be responsible, so here’s how it works:

If you find yourself in a match that you feel is a guaranteed loss and you can’t find the gumption to continue playing, enter this secret code:


Once you do this you will have initiated the forfeit. The next step is the most important and will ensure you will never have to play another guaranteed loss in match again.

Find your game files and delete them all. This shows Blizzard how serious you are about being forced to lose and will guarantee that you will never lose again. You can then move onto the next competitive video game and continue the 100% winning streak you know you are deserved.

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imo if they are going to do this it should only be available when:

  1. at least two players on one team are disconnected
  2. the “mmr” difference between the two teams exceeds some threshold.

outside of that, no.

Would be fine by me. Playing with two bots is already an instant loss if the bot is not good enough. Some AI are trash while others are godlike but the trash AI exists on too many heroes.

What mmr difference goes for that would just be an instant win for master players. They can que up with full master team and end up having 600+ mmr difference. They can just sit and hope enemy team will push out a surrender casue the system notified them that enemy team is way higher mmr then them.

And QM wont find a team with as high mmr as them without making the master premade wait in que for days just to get a game.

Que up with 5 high ranked players and then just hope enemy team rage quits within 5 mins when they know enemy team is way higher mmr compared to them.

But the two bot idea was fine tho.

this is only a real risk if the population plummets. In any case, if people abuse it they could always just raise the wait time so that the matcher takes more time to look for a better match - and that’s a huge “if” as who dafuq is trying to cheap their way up a ladder in this unsupported game? But sure, fix it so that very high mmr players have to wait upward of a half hour to get a match that qualifies for a quit button so they can only ruin one game every half hour. That’s fine if that’s how they want to spend their evening.

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it does not, that’s the whole point

the forfeit system is just lay back in hall of the storms afk and wait for the losing… just recconect periodically if u get discontected because u want to be in the game at last when it ends

that’s a waste of time too. that time could be used to Q’ing for the next game. Hence creating more fast paced match making.

Well, it had the most arrogant developers. That made it super special in their eyes. Wait for their next flop.

If you know the game is not good enough for you anymore then you know where the door is.


HoN is one of the ones that apparently had a forfeit system, clearly we can extrapolate anecdotes to draw conclusions on that being the primary defect for that game.


There are trade offs.

Sometimes when you have the perfect early game putting you in the lead, it’s nice to be rewarded by spending the next several minutes crushing fools.

It’s so unsatisfying when the enemy team quits.

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The point is game are short and if you are enough long to stay in game for 20mins that mean nobody want surrender if it not troll.

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Games being fast is one of the reasons it was never added and good they never did. Every mental quitters would jump ship on evey game they think is unwinnable because of huge ego mentality.


Tend to agree with you. There are already enough players who display a lack of basic emotional maturity and control, who will rage-quit and leave a match the first time they die to the enemy. I would hate a vote kick or forfeit system in Hots, simply because it would lead to even more arguments, and enable those who give up at the slightest setback.


From my experience with LOL and Pokemon Unite, it doesn’t tend to happen.
When a forfeit vote didn’t happen, people wouldn’t start arguing or throw the game, they just keep going. Most of the fights I saw were from people arguing with each other over a mistake (In unite they would spam ping).

Side story

One time I even did it while we were in the lead and everyone voted yes ROFL, I was like what the heck! It was a boring defensive type game and I think they all just decided it was too boring :crazy_face:
Never again did I troll myself with a surrender vote, unless I actually meant it :stuck_out_tongue:

My “glass half full” theory is that when people see an offical “I don’t want to give up”, they’ll keep trying. Right now people will just sit in base anyway wasting time. I only saw that happen once in my LOL games TBH and that was from someone flaming them all game. We still won because the flamer was stacked AF.

Maybe it would make HOTS worse or maybe… but anyway, I think the type of person to sit in base will sit in base whether there is a surrender option or not…

All this is MOOT because even when active, the dev team they said they would never implement one :stuck_out_tongue:

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