I included more info in the drop-down. It wouldn’t be replacing an ult, it’d be a level 16 or 20 talent similar to Mal’ganis’ Blind as a Bat.
That’s my concern too. Zeratul being able to engage super hard and stick to targets really well isn’t my main concern, which is why I think he’s fine up through level 7, when he only has 1 unconditional teleport.
It’s at level 10 when he can pick up a second unconditional teleport that the issues come in, and then at level 20 where he gets a third and catching him becomes practically impossible without an Uther.
You don’t actually need to be overextended. He can literally teleport over a wall into your back line, hit them all with a Q, teleport away, and then come back and do it again.
Ranged Assassins don’t tend to be able to teleport over walls 3 to 6 times in a row last I checked. Their whole point is that if they’re out of position, they die easily.
And yes, Ranged Assassins like Cassia, Zul’jin, Greymane, Fenix, Orphea, Tychus, and to some extent Sylvanas do have to commit if they want to do any real damage. Even Tracer has to commit more than Zeratul, and her damage output is way lower.
Meanwhile, Zeratul is a Melee Assassin who has up to 3 easy escapes at his disposal, meaning he commits less to teamfights than even the most standoffish Mages like KT and Chromie. At least you can dive them and they can’t casually vanish into the fog of war with a single button press.
Meanwhile, almost all the other Melee Assassins have to commit if they want to have any real impact.
Butcher does. Qhira does. Illidan does. Alarak can poke but his real oomph comes when he commits. Murky kinda does. Valeera does. Kerrigan does.
The only Melee Assassins besides Zeratul who don’t really have to commit are Samuro (who is almost as evasive and annoying as Zeratul) and Gazlowe (who plays more like a mage half the time).