The story behind your username

Thoughts on this

I don’t want to talk about it


This show looks as stupid as the guys hair. 0/10. Even as a kid I wouldn’t have found this appealing. If this is their way to re-introduce Thundercats, I do not approve. They did the 2011 version and I was not attracted.

The original though poorly animated, had some good story lines and pretty decent characters. Some silly, most serious. I liked the style and aesthetic of the show. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing a reboot with much better animations and writing in a serious adult art style like the original. Hell the intro alone got you pumped to watch. Sell more toys!

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I pressed random keys until something looked edgey.


Your name sounds like it came Terrazine gas tbf.

Isn’t that the name of a Gas in starcraft 2?

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It’s a long story, and it starts at a time when almost everyone had their own computer at home, but no one had the internet.
I was 11 years old, it was 2002. After school, together with my friends, we went to an internet cafe to play Counter-Strike and Quake 3. A good games for children, right?

I didn’t have a nickname at the time, I used my name (Mateusz). One time, I didn’t change the nickname on the computer after the previous player. It was MEZO and that’s how my friends started calling me. Yes, I stole the nickname. However, MEZO is also the nickname of an unpopular singer-rap. I felt bad about it and decided to change it: I added the letter “S” - Mezos.
I spent a lot of time in cafes and as Mezos I also played Warcraft 3, Starcraft 1 and Diablo 2.

Two years later my house was connected to the internet. I played many games, including multi mode. I began to contact people of other nationalities. I found that many players show their nationality by adding a few letters to their nickname. Of course, I could be called Mezos_PL, but I thought it looked stupid.
I wanted my nickname to sound familiar to my countrymen but not to tell everyone who I am. I decided my nickname must rustle just like my real name. This is a characteristic of my name and my nationality. My nickname must contain “SZ” !!!

I am Mezjasz :grinning:


Heisenberg. …


You’re God damn right.


My User name dates back to the Days of City of Heroes/Villians Way before Going Rogue, or even Free to Play. I used to PVP in City of Heroes. And back during PVP there would be calls for “Webbed (an immobilize power in that game), Dead, Next Target.” So I created a character using the “Class” of Mastermind (Pet controller Power set) called Soldier’s for the Primary Pet set, and Traps for the Secondary Set. And in that set I had the ability to get 3 Web Grenade Immobilizations on targets. So… Web Death.
I almost miss City of Heroes. Glad its back in its smaller capacity. :hearts:

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At first I thought I was pretty original when I came up with this name. I don’t remember when or for what but I had to come up with a username and this one came to mind. later I came across a certain axe in the Warcraft 3 editor and I realized where I got the inspiration from haha, all I did was forget the H after the T. Still kept it hough, it sounds cool. Like a name a great dragon would have.

Its still funny. Welcome to HOTS forum avilo.

You know one of the cybernetic mrphisto skin suits you

Guinsoo rings a bell. I remember, also, back then games took so long to load up my brother and I could go make a sandwich and take a bathroom break or something and come back before it loaded, lol.

Just necroing this because people cant use the search bar but instead spamming threads for no reason

Except it is against the forum rules to Necro threads…

So is it worse to Necro a thread? Or to make a new thread about a topic that has been done before?!?



Hey buddy, have you learned about the art of necroposting?

Edit: rip I didn’t realize this was old… RIP

Don’t worry about it, he is just displaying his username by horsingaround.