The Patch History

By immature, you mean the ones who athink profanity is required to express yourself on the forums? I agree.


Its a mature language filter, it filters out the people that are too mature. like Rated M for mature. I’m sorry if I offended you princess. Didn’t come here to discuss that though. I’m frustrated with many of the poor decisions that have been made. So i Used my freedom of speech to express my feelings. I forget how sensitive people can be now a days. So again samisha, I am so sorry for upsetting you.

Not upset, just find your understanding in posting without swearing so you have to complain about the filter pretty lacking.

Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay.

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It was all quiet and peaceful for two months…


Worst patch ever , December 2018, RIP Hots, the only self-destructive game.

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Not a patch, but here, December 14, 2018, the day that Activision murdered Heroes of the Storm.

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Thank you for the thread!


So sad about sylv :frowning:

48.1 patch notes?? My Bnet app just downloaded it and I can’t find info about it anywhere…

Re: 48.1

Hello friends,

This was actually just a hotfix for a login issue that was introduced with our last main patch. The long-and-short of it was that players were having issues logging into the client if they were not launching from the Battle net platform.

It has been resolved :slight_smile:

Is there an article about this?

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I meant a news article but oh well, that suffice.

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Should move this to support TBH.

Should really ask to repin the old one with the new one, man what a terrible side effect for threads like these.

It appears I can now update this thread again, hooray!


From how upset u r about her I can tell u r one of the people I’m glad I dont have to deal with in ranked anymore was so tired of solo laning sylvs on my team throwing games so yeah I support the change.

Missing Patch Notes June 21st 2021: Version

That’s because there are no patch notes.